About Filters: The Most Pragmatic Guide to Stock Market Investing
In the age of meme stocks and questionable alternative investments, the Filters guide cuts through the noise and provides practical and rational guidance for successful stock market investing. Firstly, it serves as a concise summary of over thirty investing books, condensing the collective wisdom on investing into an easy-to-read format. Secondly, it offers a practical framework for applying proven principles and strategies immediately. From identifying exceptional businesses to making the final investment decision, it is designed to walk investors through the entire process of finding and valuing the best stocks to buy for the long term.
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Author Bio:
Dovydas Macijauskas is an international business professional. He always enjoyed learning, with a particular passion for finance and investing. Surprised by the lack of concise, practical, and legitimate information sources on stock market investing, he began compiling knowledge from books, courses, podcasts, and other authoritative sources. His obsession turned into “Filters: The Most Pragmatic Guide to Stock Market Investing,” which is something he wished he had years ago.