About Freddy the Baby Dragon: A Tale of Friendship and Change
In the enchanting land of Dracoria, Freddy, a curious baby dragon, challenges the age-old tradition of dragon-slaying. Cast out by his fellow dragons, Freddy befriends Joe, a young human questioning the same traditions. Together, they embark on a journey, facing challenges from both humans and dragons. Their unwavering friendship becomes a beacon of hope, inspiring Dracoria to question long-held beliefs. As Freddy and Joe’s story spreads, it sparks a revolution, transforming the once divided communities into a harmonious coexistence. The tale of their friendship becomes a legendary lesson, teaching that love can triumph over fear, and that one brave soul can change the course of history.
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Author Bio:
I'm a man who is boyfriend to Mr Smith King and I'm asexually queer (not straight out loud and proud!). I'm also a Kinship Adventist Protestant Christian believer.
I like nonfiction reading, art museums, history museums, and travel.