1 – Is your service free?
Yes it is free, we love helping authors get their books in the hands of readers.
*We do offer an additional service that will feature your book for 2 days on our homepage for $10. You will see this option on the bottom of our free submit page. This also guarantees a spot in our newsletters and social media streams.
2 – Can anyone submit a book?
Yes, Although I believe in free speech if I see a book submission that has to do with hate or rape, or hard core violence odds are it will not appear on our site.
3 – Does my book have to have a set number of reviews?
No – When I started as an author I couldn’t get a review or my book on book promo sites. That is the reason why AwesomeGang came to be. To help the new author trying to get noticed and sell more books.
4 – What happens after I submit my book?
After you submit your book you will get an email letting you know your submission was delivered to us. This email also contains a few other places where you should also submit your book.
We go in and check your submission for typos etc and then upload it to the site. Because we get a lot of submissions this may take a day or two. After your book goes live on our site we try to contact you to let you know when it goes live. We will either post to your Facebook or Twitter and let you know. If you didn’t give us a social media account during your book submission odds are you won’t be notified. You can come back and use our search box to find your page. You may want to join our email newsletter list to see your book in it.
The page then gets placed on Twitter and Facebook. Our paid submissions take priority! After we get 10 or so submissions the link to your page also goes out in our newsletter. Not all books are in included in our newsletter though, paid featured books take priority.
You should then go to your page on Awesomegang and use the social media buttons that are on the bottom of the page and help us help you spread the word.
We really like it when you pin your book cover from our site to Pinterest. It really helps get the word out.
5 – Can I submit my book with my Amazon affiliate ID?
No, we don’t allow affiliate id’s or short links like bit.ly or any other link shortener. The reason for this is we don’t want our site filled with amazon affiliate links. We could use them ourselves but we choose not to. Most of the books on our site are free or discounted and making pennies on a book just isn’t worth the time.
The reason for not accepting bit.ly or any other link shortener is simple. Those links can be changed after the user submits to us. They can be directed to a page with porn or to a place that can possible have malware and infect computers. Most of the time the authors that submit using bit.ly also have their affiliate id in there so we just are not taking any chances.
6 – Can we place a link to our book on your social media pages.
Yes you can and it is encouraged for you to do so. Leave your book on our Facebook. This will help get you more exposure. All we ask is for you to like or fan the page. If you are paying for a featured listing your book will be placed there by us. You can also tweet it at us and we will retweet you and follow your account. Use the hashtag #awesomegang in your post if you can.
7 – How can we help spread the news about Awesomegang?
Follow us and “like” us on social media Twitter, Facebook., Pinterest, Instagram
If you know of a site that has a resources page please let them know about us. If you have a website for your book (Which you should) add our button to your site and let the world know you have been featured on our site. You can also add us to your #Follow Fridays on Twitter. Anything you can do to help us get the word out is highly appreciated.
Here are a few Tweets you can use. Just hit the “Click to Tweet this”
Awesomegang.com helps authors get their books in the hands of new readers TY @ourawesomegang #promo – Click To Tweet This
8 – Where can I learn more about promoting a book?
We have an authors group on Facebook where authors talk about what is working and more importantly what isn’t. We also discuss changes in the book publishing industry.
9 – How long will our book be on Awesomegang?
We don’t have a time set in stone but all books will be on our site around a year. We get a lot of book submissions and we have to clean house from time to time to make space for the new books being submitted to us. From time to time we will put books back into our social media channel so even though you submitted with us for a certain day we will help spread the word about your book long after its book promotion day.
10 – How long does it take to get an author interview on the site after I submit it?
We publish author interviews every day and the most it takes us is about 7 days. Most are up within 3 or 4 days though. After you submit it check our Author interviews page over the next few days. It also goes in our weekly “Authors only” newsletter that goes out once a week on Saturday morning. This newsletter is also filled with tips for writers and inside news about what is happening on the site.
11- Where do we submit our author interview?
Our author interview series really is a great way to promote your writing. You can submit your author interview here. It is free and goes out in our social media streams when we publish it. We also share the interview on our social over and over again for about 6-12 months. Yes all free exposure for the author.
12 – Do you accept books on preorder?
Yes we do! We started allowing this in early 2016 because authors requested it. Some authors do preorders with us and then a few weeks after their book is released use our services again.
13 – Can we submit a preorder?
Yes a lot of authors sign up to promo their books on a preorder.
Thank you so much for featuring my 101 Fun Kids’ Games Book free promotion recently! I really appreciate your support. 🙂
– Bailey
Hey, love seeing my book on here. Please send me instructions to sign up for the ‘feature book’ $10 deal. Thanks. Heath
I’m with Heath: I’d like to purchase the $10 feature option, but do not know how. Also, I’ve posted my free book information but what like to make one small change. How do I do that? Your assistance will be welcome. This site is, indeed, awesome.
Thanks much.
Hi Chris
To make changes just send me an email with the information you want change it for you. Send me an email vinny@awesomegang.com. You should of had the choice when filling out the form to add the $10 promotion. When you send me the email I will explain how you can still get the promotion.
I’ve already featured ‘The Golden Sword’ on your site.
I’d like to place an ad again, how do I do it?
Do I have to fill out te same boxes or can you use what I’ve previously submitted?
I look forward to hearing from you,
Rosie Morgan
Hi Rosie
You can run the same book more than once. You have two options the choice is up to you. You can go through the process of submitting it again maybe change up some of the description or make your profile different. Your other option is to leave all the information the same and use the same page again. If you choose the second option contact me by email vinny@awesomegang.com I can get the ball rolling and send you a paypal invoice.
hello , I had a question….I have a book advertised on your website and the image of the book is sideways..how do I fix that?…thanks so much for your help
Hi Jennifer. What is the name of the book? I will go fix it.
hi …the name of the book is “Talk Truth to Yourself” thanks for helping to fix image…
appreciated it.
Hi Jennifer all fixed
I have just submitted a children’s e-book and was unable to enter the url from Amazon, despite several attempts and copying it straight from the site in its entirety.
Did you figure it out? Put the amazon link you were trying to use here.
Oops, I signed up for the $10 book promo but I forgot to post my book name in the Paypal form when I paid. The book is STUTTER CREEK. Thanks so much!
Ann Swann
NO problem Ann I will find the book in our system.
Hi– I just submitted a paid membership for my eBook: Three At The Center Of Rage.
I have a Facebook and Goodreads listing for my book, and while your submit site accepted me it rejected the urls I copied to your form from both Facebook and Goodreads. They are:
Would you kindly help me sort this problem? Also, in my book’s tags I forgot to tag: “fiction” Thanks.
Not a problem I will fix it for you.
Just submitted Haven’s Rescue on your free format. I just set up PayPal as well and am waiting on the bank confirmation so I can add money to the account. Can I go back in and pay the $10 extra promo? I have another book coming out soon and will do this again for it too.
Thank you. D. Kelley
Hi Donna
I will set this up for you as a featured book, no problem. You look like an honest person. It will be my pleasure to help you.
In your daily e-mail list of free ebooks, would it be possible to list the book descriptions instead of the author bios?
We have been testing a new email system that will do just what you ask. Starting tomorrow you will see the emails the way you are asking. You will see the book cover, description and the links to find more info and/or buy the book.
I just listed three of my novels which are going to be offered free from Thursday, January 30 through Saturday February 1.
On the first and third–ASK A SHADOW TO DANCE and KISS ME, CHLOE, I gave you the correct link to the cover of the book.
But on the second listing, I forgot to change the link to the cover, so SILVER LADY has the cover for ASK A SHADOW TO DANCE.
Please let me know how I can send you the correct cover for SILVER LADY.
Linda George
Hi Linda
Send the correct image to vinny@awesomegang.com and I will correct it manually.
I’ve decided to offer my Romance novel “Never in a Month of Sundays” free on Amazon from 13 February for 3 days. I’m glad I visited your site today
I inadvertently left out the picture of the cover (which is also on the amazon page).
Is there any way that I can enter it?
Hi Bill
You can send it to us in email vinny @ awesomegang.com
Hello Vinny,
Thanks for posting my ad today as requested. I have however noticed a couple of typos (my mistakes) so if its not too late, can you please correct them, details below:
In the second paragraph of my author bio, it begins with “I my spare time”. Can this be changed to ‘In my spare time”.
Finally, on the last line, it ends “with his wife and cat.’. It should read “with my wife and cat”.
If it’s too late, then no worries, it can’t be helped.
Hi Richard
I will fix it right away.
We’re interested in eventually taking advantage of the $10 promotional, but we had questions. Do the books submitted have to be on Amazon? We sell from Smashwords because we’re two authors with one book in and aren’t on Amazon just yet.
Thanks much for the information!
You can submit your book no matter where it is selling. On the form where it says link on Amazon just put the Smashwords link in.
Hi Vinnie,
Thank you for this great resource. I just sent in a submission but was not able to upload my book cover. May I send it to you as an email attachment?
Thanks again!
Sure you can! Send it to vinny(at)awesomegang.com
The reason it was rejected was probably the file size was too big.
Hi, I have tried to submit my book to you using your submit function, but when I finish I do not get any successful message or email. I have tried twice now in 2 days.
Can someone see if my submission was received? It was for Cosmic Girl: Rising Up
We don’t have any record of your book. Did you try uploading a huge file for the picture. That is usually the cause of it.
Hi Vinny,
I’m keen to book a $10 paid promotion on your great-looking site, but just wanted to check: Do you only promote books on a free run – or can I promote my book at its regular price (in this case $3.99)?
Many thanks in advance,
We do accept all books and as you can imagine books that are lower priced are more likely to sell.
Thanks very much, Vinny, for featuring my book Three-Ways and the author interview! I appreciate it very much.
I submitted my book to you last night but gave you the incorrect dates for my promo –
TITLE: Ten Unavoidable Problems with a “Living” Minimum Wage from 100% Waste of Your Money to Millions Unemployed
I gave you the dates of 9/27-10/1 but the dates are actually 9/29-Oct/3
Sorry for the mistake
Hi Steve your listing has been changed to your new dates.
I submitted my book, Budget Body Movers, in August with you guys. The results were great. My question is can I use you again for my upcoming give away starting on October 11th?
Hi Hillary Glad you are happy with us and your book went well.
Yes you can advertise your book again. You have two choices
1) Submit your details again if you wish to make changes.
2) Send me an email at vinny@awesomegang.com with your book title, date you wish to be featured and best email addy for me to send a paypal invoice.
Hi. There are a few typos in my book description. Actually, I just want to completely rewrite it. Is there a way I can edit? Thanks.
It would just be easier to resubmit it. This way you can change it up to your liking.
I submitted my book almost a week ago, but have never received a reply. It’s going live on Friday. Did you not receive it? What should I do?
Hi C.L
You should have received an immediate reply when we got your book. Send me an email to vinny@awsomegang.com with the title.
Is your paid advertising only for either self-published books or free books? I have a newly released book with a traditional publisher. I would like to advertise my book on my own. My book is obviously not free, but it has a low price because it is a novella. Can I advertise with you? Please advise.
Hi Cindy
We advertise all books. With that said, most of our readers are looking for low priced books.
How do you handle anthologies with multiple authors per ebook?
Hi Libby
Usually you would just put all the authors names in. How many authors are we talking about?
Hi Vinny,
I have purchsed your paid ad option and would like to accept your offers of free ads in your facebook and Hangout pages. I am not familiar with how to actually do it. I did not see any formto fill in at your facebook page.
Please advise.
Thank you,
Hi Yigal
Thanks for submitting. On your promo day we will put a link on our social pages. When your promo is over feel free to add your book to our facebook page anytime. Just make a post on the page.
Hello Vinny,
I submitted my book for a paid promotion last week on 10/14 and never received a reply.
I also paid the $10 fee through paypal but I forgot to include the title of my book, Irons in the Fire, in the comments, despite literally telling myself not to forget only moments before. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi Antonio
Thanks for submitting. Your book is all set up and ready to go on the 16th.
Hi Vinny,
I think I made a mistake submitting the title of my book Counteract. It should be Counteract by Tracy Lawson. Sorry! Can you update it for me?
Sure Tracy no problem!
Hi My Facebook link is incorrect, how do i add the correct one to my submission?
The correct Link is here
We will fix it, the correct link is actually https://www.facebook.com/JasperWolf99
Wanted to make a slight change to my entry, because it actually points to my FB page as opposed to my fan page, but I don’t quite see how to submit that request (similar to query above). The correct link is:
Thank you!
Hi Holly, we made the change for you.
I just wanted to say thank you for giving authors like me the opportunity to be noticed. I think you site is AWESSOME!
You are very welcome.
I signed up yesterday for your $10 offering. There was a snafu with uploading the edited version up to Kindle/Amazon. Therefore the link I sent you previously is now invalid for Better To Have Loved. The new link is http://www.amazon.com/Better-Loved-Christy-Jackson-Nicholas-ebook/dp/B01B1UPNY0/. Sorry about the change!
Hi Christy
I updated your listing. It looks like you were trying to put an Amazon affiliate link to your book. We don’t allow that so your link is now a direct to your book on Amazon.
Hi Vinny I recently rebranded my book cover for memoirs of an ordinary guy, would you advise resubmitting to make the changes on your site?
Hi Mel
I always say resubmit because you can make some changes if you wish. Resubmitting also puts it into our social media schedule again.
Hey Vinny,
I just submitted my author interview and believe that I listed my full name as Anastasia Virden, though I publish under A.C. Virden. Any chance you can change it to A.C. Virden when my interview gets published?
Thanks in advance! Oh, and thank you so much for listing my book in your newsletter this past Friday!
Anastasia (A.C. Virden)
Hi Anastasia
I went in and edited the interview and published it. You can see it here. Be sure to help spread it around also. Thanks for taking time with us. http://awesomegang.com/ac-virden/
Hi Vinny, I sort of forgot to enter my book title when I paid pay pal. It’s Ashes of Autumn, so what now????
Hi Maria
I went in and matched up your book to our records. It is all good now 🙂 Thanks again for submitting.
Hi Vinny – I’ve just submitted my new book, Return to Kilcraig, to be featured and I’ve paid the $10 via PayPal but there was no where to put the name of the book! Just so you know what it’s for. Thanks.
Hi Rosemary
We got you all set up. It is weird sometimes Paypal will show a different page to people where there is no “Instructions to Merchant” section. It has been driving me crazy for years now.
Hi there,
What can I do if my book is not available on Amazon? All my books are at Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Lot’s Cave, etc.
Hi Thanks for the question. You can put a link to wherever your book is being sold. We just have been focusing on Amazon since the start since that is where most of our authors have their books. I should add a line to that that says “Amazon or other book store”
Hi Vinny,
I don’t use PayPal. Can I pay with a credit card instead?
Hi Rosemary
You can pay with a credit card through Paypal.
Hi Vinny, last week I paid $10 for my book to be featured on the site. I was hoping for the 30th, but I didn’t get a confirmation from you. Can you please let me know if/when my book will be featured? I’ll provide details in an email.
Hi Todd send me an email vinny @ Awesomegang.com and I will look into this.
I sent in a book listing yesterday and I made a stupid error in my bio. The lsiting is for Evelyn’s Journal, ASIN: B00NUT5WBA.
The first line of the bio should read: “MJ Gardner began writing the Darkness & Light series ….” rather than XXX series (it is not X-rated!)
No problem we fixed it for you.
Hi! I have a couple of questions:
Do books need to be free or on sale to be promoted? Or can they be full price?
Also, does it matter if the book is a short novel (19k words)?
They can be full price but most of our readers are looking for discounted books. It doesn’t matter what size your book is.
I accidentally typed my Twitter page incorrectly when I submitted my info a few hours ago. It should be http://www.twitter.com/SavageAuthor
Can that be fixed on your end? I’d really appreciate it
Sure we can fix it.
Hi Theresa
Thanks for the kind words about the site. I try to make things easy.
I will send you an email with a link to pay in a few minutes.
I made a book submission, but I spelled a word wrong. Am I able to edit the submission? Thanks
Just tell me the title and the typo and we will fix it. Send it to vinny@awesomegang.com.
Just wondering if you allow submissions for audio books. My sequel to The War Of The Worlds is exclusively audio because it has original music and sound effects.
The Day Of The martians by H.E.Wilburson
Yes we do. Especially if it is on amazon as an ebook.
Hi Vinny,
I’ve just submitted my book; Birds of a Feather, but realised that I typed an incomplete link to the book on Smashwords although I did it correctly on author interview. Can you kindly help me to correct it. The link is-https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/Kenyapublishers.
All fixed. Actually the link you gave me goes to your profile and not the book. The correct link is http://awesomegang.com/birds-of-a-feather-by-elisha-otieno/
Re your $10 Featured Book Listing option, I do not use PayPal, do you take MasterCard credit card?
You can use Paypal as a guest and use your credit card.
Hey, Vinny. My book is already on your site but now I want to advertise it. Do I have to resubmit or is there an easier way?
I would rather you resubmit so you you can change it up a bit and select the exact date you want.
Hi Vinny, I tried to submit my book, “The Cows Go Moo!” by Jim Petipas, but it will not take my book cover image no matter what size I try. I might be doing the resizing wrong, but I changed the jpeg to under 200 KB. Thank you for your service!
Is it saved in .jpg
Hi, quick (maybe silly too) question here. I self published a book last year but to date it has sold just 4 copies. Would I be able to put it on your site? Thanks.
Yes our goal is to get you more sales. Have you tweaked your book cover or changed up your blurb at all? Usually that helps.
Hi, according to your info you say most of the books on your site are free or heavily discounted. As a self published author of a single book, a memoir, I cannot afford to give away my books. is it OK just to set one price for the ebook and paperback?
Hi Jeremy
Yes that is fine but keep in mind most of our readers are looking for deals.
Do you guys accept books in Spanish?
We do accept them but I can tell that we don’t really have an audience for Spanish speaking books.
Hi, when would the best time to submit an author interview? My client has a book dropping in April. Would it be best to wait until then?
I would do it about a month before.
hi there, would you be willing to accept books that are available for pre-order on Kickstarter or IndieGoGo? I have a lot of author clients who are looking for additional places to get the word out about their books and would be willing to pay a fee for such a service (or at least, I would).
Yeah we accept books for all places but 90% of our audience uses amazon to get their books. Even though we ask for a link to Amazon on the form you can put a link to any book seller there. We have a lot of authors that do Amazon pre orders.
I submitted two books, a month apart, but accidentally used the same blurb for both – I need to send along the corrected one for one of the books. Thanks!
Hi Bonnie
Send me an email vinny@ awesomegang.com and I will fix it. Include the title in the email please.
I submitted an author interview when my first book came out and I’m wondering if I can submit a revised interview now that my second is being published in July? Some of the answers would be the same, but several will be updated.
Yes you can. We change the questions up from time to time. July 1st there will be new questions if you want to hold off a few days.
Hi, i’ve just submitted a featured review form, but forgot to add the book title to my Paypal transaction – the book title is A Truth Stranger Than Fiction and the email address the payment submitted from was (removed by Vinny so the user doesn’t get spam)
Hi Michael
Thanks for submitting. I will match up the book and the payment.
i want to remove my book and information from your page and sites please help me to do so its urgent .
I’ve had to republish my first book, Crater’s Edge, so it now has a different Amazon ASIN. The old buy link on your site no longer works. The new buy link is http://amazon.com/dp/B0816KH2N7. Is it possible to amend the listing to substitute the new buy link, or should I simply do another book submission?
Hi Lucy
It is better for you to do a new listing this way it goes out to social media again.
I might have submitted an incorrect ASIN for the book I’m promoting with you on April 21-22, Path of Sweetness. It should be B083H13YYX. If i did it wrong, please fix.
Also, I submitted incorrect blurb for another book I’m promoting in May 7-8, Blossoming of Love ASIN BO859F4LD5. Blurb should be “Witness exciting developments in the fairy gardens. Learn how four million dragons are restored to a dimension of Earth. Join famous figures from Earth’s History—King Arthur and his knights, Lincoln, JFK, Cleopatra, Antony and Caesar—as they support the vision for our evolving world.”
As you can tell I’m new to this. Thank you very much. Joy Elaine
Hi Joy, This is all fixed. 🙂
Hi Vinny, I wonder if you could use a slightly updated version of my synopsis for my book Blossoming of Love ASIN BO859F4LD5 that you are promoting May 7 and 8. I think a more powerful one than what I previously submitted would be: Boy fairies are created in the fairy gardens. Four million dragons are restored to a dimension of Earth. Move to a seat at the Joy Council and join famous figures from Earth’s History—King Arthur and his knights, Lincoln, JFK, Cleopatra, Antony and Caesar—as they support the vision for our evolving world.
If it’s too late to update, no worries. Thank you very much. Joy Elaine
Hi Joy I made the changes you asked for. 🙂
How can I make an edit on my interview that is already posted? (i.e. Website and SM change)?
Send me the changes at vinny@awesomegang.com and I will make the changes for you.
Hi, Awesome Gang Team.
Quick question. Do you accept reader magnet (free book on signup) submissions for both your free and paid services?
Hi Louise
We have tried them a few times and our readers are not really for it. They just want to go to amazon and get the book.
Hey Vinny,
I made a small mistake of entering a shortened link to the book. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you for doing this!
Sure thing! Just tell me the title of the book and I will go fix. Odds are my team caught it already but let’s be sure 🙂
Hey Vinny, great site you have here.
I recently (about 24 hours ago) paid for the $10 promotion and got a receipt from PayPal but didn’t receive any further instructions. Is this normal, or did I miss something?
Let me know, thank you!
Hi Gary
If you got the Paypal Receipt we got your info. Our confirmation probably got lost in cyberspace 🙁 What is the name of your book and I will go check it out.
Hi Vinny, thanks for the response. Some Russian cyberspace astronaut probably stole it 🙂
My book is called – The Dark of The Grey: Omnibus.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you for trying to support authors!
When I submitted my book it showed an error page, but when I reloaded the page it looked like the book was submitted. The title is Your Marriage God’s Way. Can you let me know if you received it? Also, I submitted an author interview. Please let me know if you need anything else from me.
Thanks again,
Thanks for submitting. I will look into the book details.
Hi, Vinny,
My book is available at several retailers and there’s a Universal Book Link that directs folks to all the places they can buy it. It’s not an abbreviated link. Can I use that link instead of linking only to Amazon?
Thanks for all you do to support the writing community!
To be honest yes you can. Personally as a user I hate universal links. I have my cookies clear every time I close my browser and having to choose which retailer I want to but from over and over again is annoying. I am at the point where I don’t buy books that use universal links. Also the people the provide the universal link normally inject their own affiliate id in there. To me that is dishonest.
Hey, Vinny– sent an email about this but I’m thinking about redoing my Interview. Would you possibly be able to take it down? Thanks!
No problem. The old one is now taken down.
I have submitted my book and all other details, however, after several attempts to reduce my cover photo file, I could not get it accepted. Can you help?
Hi Keith send me your cover at vinny @ awesomegang.com and I will reduce it