Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Well, you know, I’m somebody who has been almost forced to write this book. I had so much frustration going on inside of me as I watched the state of the world in 2020. I was just a regular guy living in a world that seemed to have gone crazy overnight. I was a travel agent and had been for 20 years. But I also was someone who read books a lot and over the past couple of years, I became exposed to the fact that our governments are out to cause us more harm than good. I figured out quite quickly that the entity most people look to for help are actually the people creating the problem in the first place. So as I watched airports closing and businesses shutting their doors, I had to get everything inside of me out. And I did that by writing my first book, The COVID-19 Illusion.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
It’s The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies. It was inspired by the criminality that is occurring around us in 2020. It’s rage and disgust exploded onto pages. The contents of the book are in actual fact the opposite of what the majority of the public believes, so I was inspired to write something factual, to prove and to show evidence that we are been manipulated in a gargantuan manner. The criminals that run the world inspired me to write it. And now they are terrified of it. Amazon have already banned it. Because it is the complete opposite of what the official narrative is and, yet still, it is backed up by 100% factual information and documentation that the crimes I say are been committed are actually been committed – as hard as that may be for people to believe is. I was inspired to write it, so people would have a different perspective to what they hear on BBC, CNN , ABC etc. The bombardment of propaganda is too much. People deserve an antidote. And this is it. That is why they want to ban it. It interfere’s in their agenda. I was inspired to write the truth, to expose them and that’s what I have done.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I don’t stop. Hahah. Once I start that’s it. It becomes part of every waking hour. The research can be so consuming. It results in so many late nights and I can’t really help that. I just get so engrossed. That’s more proof that fact is always stranger than fiction. When you start to dig, you soon find there’s the great remnants of a lost civilization underneath you. To use an analogy. As criminal as the people I write about are, they are even worse than any of us can imagine. The corruption and fraud and the deception is so monstrous and large that it never ends. As a result my work never ends. So once I get stuck into a book and start researching and writing, time just disappears.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Well, it’s more that just an influence when I talk about David Icke. I’d always had an interest in the more unconventional subjects lets say. So because of that, I’ve studied and looked at a lot of peculiar topics. But nothing prepared me for The Perception Deception, which was written by David.. It blew me away. I remember just sitting there just staring into space after I read it, thinking ‘what?’. But then the more I thought about what I had read, the more I realized that it was not only probable, but verifiable, and truthfully, it changed how I looked at everything forever. David’s work then led me onto other books. One example is, of course, The Franklin Cover-Up by John DeCamp. Another is The Franklin Scandal by Nick Bryant. That really shocked me, that case. And again, it reinforced my discovery that those in charge and those who are supposedly there to protect us are actually the most evil people you could imagine. Besides that, I would say Quantum Enigma by Rosenblum and Kuttner, but for much different reasons. And of course most of David Icke’s other works have had a big influence on me, especially the work he has done on 9/11. I really loved Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster. The attention to detail in that book is phenomenal.
What are you working on now?
Right now, I’m working on a book which exposes the corruption and brutality of law enforcement in my own country – Ireland. That gives, or it will give, rather, an almost chronological list of the crimes of the Garda Siochana. But man, it’s going to be a big book. Those guys are such thugs and thieves, my God, documented it all is tough. But I want to do it as a honour to my country. Again, the media ignore it. Irish mainstream media are the worst, you know? It’s like North Korea. So, to give people this perspective of what, in actual fact, a fascist, terrorist organization called law enforcement are doing to the country, whether the people want to believe it or want to know about it or not, will be a service I think. Lots of people bury their head in the sand, but I still want them to hear the other side of the story. The side that the media doesn’t tell them.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I do everything on Lulu. Amazon are book burners. And after that social media is normally the best way to promote. But unfortunately they are also becoming book burners. So really word of mouth works a lot. I think if you write a really good book that impacts people, word will spread pretty fast.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Well, if it’s non-fiction – research, research, research And then verify and reference everything.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Ronald Reagan once said ‘ The nine most dangerous words in the world are We’re From The Government and We’re Here To Help’. Hahaha. I can’t decide if you can say that’s advice, but it’s definitely true. So if I’m going to put it in a nutshell, the best advice I’ve ever been given is; don’t trust government, don’t trust authorities. I’ve learned that the most sinister people in the world come from there.
What are you reading now?
I’m reading a great book called Irish Sagas and Folk tales. It’s great. It’s an old book and it’s a collection of the old ancient myths of Ireland. We have such an amazing history where I am from and the book is such a great compilation of the greatest folk tales. Really entertaining. It was put together by Eileen O’ Faolain. Check it out. I’m sure it’s available online.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Exposing corruption, exposing the crimes of those that the media present to us as angels. Continue to show them to be demons. I want to continuing showing them for what they really are. I look at the news today and I see the WHO, the CDC, The Gates Foundation. I hear all these wonderful things about them Yet, as The COVID-19 Illusion shows, they are complicit in some terrible crimes. So I want to continue to do that. I want to document these crimes. I want them to be on paper and read widely by the masses, so that people can see for themselves what is really happening. Maybe then, the idea of letting groups, such as the aforementioned, inject junk into your body or demand you close down your business or whatever the case might be, maybe people will at least think twice. So, I have no intention of stopping. I will continue to show the hypocrisies of the governments and their special interest groups, plus their agencies.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I’d take The Perception Deception by David Icke, The Destruction of the European Jews by Hillberg, 200 Years Together by Solzhenitstyn and The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose.