Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a social media marketing coach and company. I have produced over 200 articles and videos on social media and produced several unpublished books. While I have created courses for LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, “7 Fast Ways To Connect On LinkedIn,” is my first published book.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Social media marketing is different then conventional marketing where you have very little interface with your customers. Social media requires a strong trust relationship where people actually communicate with each other before they trust you to buy your services or products.
So many people abuse this relationship by sending out links with “get rich quick” messages, it seems like it is getting worst then email spamming. I strongly stand against this and now have dedicated my teachings to teaching social marketers how build a wildly successful business and create friends doing it. 🙂 These techniqes are spelled out step by step in my book 7 Fast Ways To Connect On LinkedIn.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Yes I have crazy writing habits. I wake up early in the morning where I get these ideas and write them down as Top Tips and then build articles around them. Articles grow into courses and now courses now grow into books. The crazy thing is I actually implement my own teachings to test them. As an example I built a business group page on Facebook and had 3000 subscribers in two weeks. I like to think we are a product of our own teachings. This way people get hard work and actual experiences and not hype and sales.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Oh my gosh, I have many authors and books I have read. My favorites are Brian Tracy, John Maxwell, Jack Canfield and Frank Kern. The books that have influence me the most are Focus, by Brian Tracy, Develop The Leader Within You, by John Maxwell, and Convert by Frank Kern.
What are you working on now?
I am expanding my series under my company brand 30Minute-Millionaire to produce a series of social media books for realtors, networkers, and affiliate marketers. My next book will be on Facebook Marketing which teaches everything from building a profile page for the first timers to building a high traffic business page using Facebook Adverts.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
We read every book we (myself and assistant) could get our hands on about Kindle book launches.
We developed a strong plan going to book clubs, bloggers, and forums. We posted to all the social media sites well in advance of our pre-launch. We called all our friends and associates and reached out for help from them. I even cut a video asking for help. We are documenting all our steps and will write a book on our marketing model…
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Yes I do…if you want to be successful my simple advice is to model. Find someone who is a best selling author and model them. One of my friends is a best selling author and I reached out to him to help me by writing a review on his book and then calling him direct telling him how much his book meant to me.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
This is a great question since I coach top performers. Let me share this new article coming out next week as one of my Top Tips: So You Think You Want To Be Rich?
Let’s see if you have what it takes!
I challenge you to take the test!
Answer these four simple questions by checking off the box for a yes answer if you think you have what it takes…
The rich know the outcome and have developed a detailed plan to achieve it.
The rich believe in what they are doing and know it is going to work. When things do not go right they remain focused. They never quit!
The rich work hard. They are consistent with their daily activities and relentless in their pursuit. They never chase the next shinny object!
Rich people sell or provide information, and educate others.
I have coached 7-digit income earners and really studied their thinking as well as their habits. In fact, I learned more from them, then, they learned from me! These same threads run through their character and are apparent in their behavior.
Top Tip…
If you honestly could not put a check by each of these four questions I would strongly suggest you find a mentor who has these qualities and model them exactly.
What are you reading now?
500 Social media marketing tips
What’s next for you as a writer?
To provide the highest quality social media marketing articles and books and make it easy and fun for the person who is scared to death to venture in to social media.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Bible and pray everyday for an airplane to see me.
Author Websites and Profiles
Gary Massari Website