Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I have been writing since 2016. That was the year when I decided to change
the direction of my professional activities. Until that point, I had a group of
companies dealing with real estate services, insurance agencies, mobile
telephone services, as well as the radio station trust-radio. Thus, in 2016 I
decided that the time had come for me to do what I really loved.
That year I wrote my first book called “The secret to eternal life”. The following
year I wrote my second book “The diary that will change your life forever”, and
in 2018 I wrote my third book “Live the life you did not live”.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is “Live the Life You Did Not Live” and is actually a sequel to my
previous book. The diary is based on a specific tactic with the aim of gradually
changing our subconscious and to live a life without the fears and anxieties
with which we grew up. The final book is the sequel aimed at those who
managed to achieve this change.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Whenever I make the decision to write a book, I try to maintain specific
consistent patterns. The starting point of my daily writing, as well as the
amount of time that I devote writing everyday for this purpose. Until I finish
writing, I try to avoid straying away from this schedule.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I really enjoy reading books and different book genres. I cannot say that I have
been influenced by a particular genre or author. I believe that there is
something to take from everything, but that it does not stretch any further.
The topics and everything that I cover in my books are product of my own
experimentation and introspection.
What are you working on now?
As I have promised at the end of my first book, I will return later with more
revelations on the secret to eternal life.
That time has come and I reveal the sequel by including a kind of fiction for
obvious reasons because I have pledged to never reveal the source of
whatever I cover in this book.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I use fb and instagram to promote my books. Through my profiles and page all these years there are enough people that we have developed a beautiful relationship through my daily posts.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
My advice will not be only for new authors but also for those that love
something and are hesitant to move forward. To persist on what they are
doing and to dream constantly about what they desire. This is the only recipe
to success. Certain frustrations are sure to occur, however, that should act as
the vehicle which will make them stubborn, so they take the next step and
then so they can take another step until they learn how to walk so no obstacle
can ever stop them.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
To look at writing as a career and not merely as a hobby. To work 8 hours
every day and always be my best possible self. Moreover, that I should feel
blessed for being able to have a career I adore.
What are you reading now?
I am reaching the end of One hundred years of solitude by Gabriel García
What’s next for you as a writer?
I think that is what every Greek writer is seeking. To be able to make a living
through writing. The truth is that I feel blessed that I was one of the first who
instinctively chose to work with on time books. It is a publishing house with the
goal of featuring the work of Greek writers in the world market. I believe that
mister Dimitris Christodoulou and his entire team’s passion and love for what
they do will quickly also make our dreams come true. The first messages are
already impressive.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
This is the most difficult question that you have asked me. I love books so
much that truly it is too difficult a task to choose. However, if I had to choose
no matter what, I would pick the trilogy of Nikos Themelis The Quest, The
Reversal, and The Flash. The fourth book would definitely be the The diary that
will change your life forever.