Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Gerald Weaver received his bachelor’s degree from Yale University and Juris Doctor degree from Catholic University. He has been a Capitol Hill chief of staff, a campaign manager, a lobbyist, a single father, a teacher of English and Latin, a collector and seller of Chinese antiquities and a contributor to the political magazine, George. He lives in the suburbs of Washington, DC, and travels regularly between the United Kingdom and the US. Gospel Prism is his first novel.
Listen to a 21 May 2015 BBC World Service “Newsday” interview of Gerald Weaver, discussing Gospel Prism and its relation to love, loss and literature, here:
Read a feature article (23 May 2015) on Gospel Prism and Gerald Weaver that appeared in The Times of London here:
Listen to the BBC World Service “Outlook” interview here, from 15 April 2015, that discusses the Gospel Prism author’s fall from grace and redemption, here:
View an article, 22 February 2015, on Gospel Prism that appeared in The London Sunday Times here:
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
His experience of reading challenging literature in order to survive a dark place served as a provocation for the atmospheric, dreamlike and unpredictable Gospel Prism, which brings into focus the relationship between literature, language, truth and religious faith.
His second novel, The First First Gentleman, a timely novel about the first female president’s husband (fiction) will be released in August.
What are you working on now?
Gerald is gearing up to promote his second novel The First First Gentleman.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
You can read more about Gospel Prism at
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Author Websites and Profiles
Gerald Weaver Website
Gerald Weaver Amazon Profile
Gerald Weaver’s Social Media Links
Facebook Profile