Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Hi! My name is German. I am half Argentine, half German (and yes, my name is German). I’ve been traveling for the last three years around the world through every continent except Antarctica (a bit too cold for me), but I still have a lot of places to see. At the moment I’m stopping in the UK in Edinburgh.
Throughout our lives men and women acquire and develop social skills and methods of seduction. Your method may be based on buying flowers, dancing, playing an instrument, complimenting, lying or being completely honest. Quite a few years ago, during my first nights out, my “method” consisted in simply sitting down and waiting for a girl to come up to me…and it worked, but with very few girls! Let’s just say it was a very limited “method”. The desire to overcome that limitation was what led me to research the most effective ways to attract women and improve my social skills. Nevertheless, my main aim here is not to expound on the most effective seduction techniques and methods, but rather on how we can successfully become more attractive as individuals through personal growth and awareness of our own potential.
I used to be really bad attracting women, seriously, I didn’t have any idea of what to do with them. I started as a student in LevantArt, the biggest seduction academy of the Spanish-speaking world and later, co-founder Martin Rieznik confessed to me that his first impression of me was that I was hopeless. But I studied, and studied a lot. My Saturday nights alone watching movies ended and I became a Seduction Coach in the LevantArt academy. Now, after five years of advising hundreds of men of different ages, professions and interests and then two years of travelling around the world meeting girls from all over, this book is the result of all my experiences. The same book (or, as entitled in Spanish, Seductor Infalible) has been successfully published, is currently on sale in Argentina’s top bookstores, and has achieved solid success.
Author Websites and Profiles
German Muhlenberg Website
German Muhlenberg Amazon Profile
German Muhlenberg’s Social Media Links
Facebook Profile