About Going The Other Way From A Society Gone Mad: A Common Sense Approach to health and a Remedy for the Failures of the Medical Establishment
Going The Other Way addresses how institutionalized religion has fostered a negative attitude towards the human body by promoting beliefs of guilt, shame, and antagonism. This book offers a remedy for the deep-seeded negativity of society as it is. The remedy?
Become a true friend to your body. With this simple 180 degree turn, you can leave the matrix systems of disempowerment behind, in order to create a beautiful life, full of love, connection, and joy.
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Author Bio:
Pete is an enthusiastic participant in the human potential movement, a facilitator of Osho Active Meditations, and a practitioner of The Art and Technique of Deep Touch and Taoist Movement Arts.
Pete is also a citizen of the world with American and Dutch citizenship as well as permanent residency in Ecuador’s Southern Andes.