Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Hi everyone! I’m an Australian writer of romance in all its forms. I’ve had 10 books published now, ranging from sweet to steamy, fantasy to contemporary.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My most recent novella, published on 20 Dec 2019, is Truckie Needed, book 3 in the Seeking Satisfaction series. I had so much fun writing the first couple of books in this series, in which a woman (a different character in each book), puts up an ad for something, and ends up in a relationship with the men who answer, that I really wanted to write another one, but I had heaps of trouble thinking of something suitable. In the end it was a good writer friend of mine who gave me the idea, and my muse just took off with it!
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I don’t think my ‘habits’ are unusual in anyway, though this year there hasn’t been much ‘habit’ to speak of. Life has become incredibly busy, meaning that my writing habit is more a writing ‘whenever-a-spare-moment-arises’ type of situation.
What are you working on now?
For the first time in a long time, I’m not actively working on a story. The end of this year has resulted in a few upheavals for my extended family, so while there are still ideas spilling about in my head, they haven’t yet made it onto paper. Fingers crossed things will ease in the new year and I’ll find a moment to get something down.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Ah – I struggle with this so much! I’m really still learning. I love doing interviews, they are by far my favourite way to promote my books, though as to which method is the best way I’m still not sure.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Keep writing. I say this a lot. The more you write the better your writing will become, and the higher your chance of getting published. Oh, and don’t be afraid to let things go. Some stories just aren’t right for the time, but it doesn’t mean you can’t go back to them later and revive them, and by then you’ll be a better writer, too. This is what happened with the very first book I published, ‘A Faery Dream’, I first wrote the story in my early twenties, but it really wasn’t any good, and I knew it. Ten years later I started writing another story, and got that published, and it wasn’t until I went back over my old stories that I realised just how similar they were, except ‘A Faery Dream’ had all the rubbish left out, that hadn’t worked the first time round.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Same as the advice I’ve given above! lol. I can’t think of any better advice. You can’t publish if you don’t have a story.
What are you reading now?
I’ve recently finished Home to Me, by LaVerne Clark. What a beautiful story! It made me cry, several times, the main male character is just so sweet and caring, truly the perfect gentleman, but he does let some doubts creep in at one point which *almost* breaks the heroines heart. Being a romance, of course all is saved in the end, but LaVerne takes the reader on a wonderful journey to get there. Loved it!
What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m really not sure what the coming year will bring for me. I have a couple of old stories I keep saying I’ll revive and publish, so I really hope I get some time to do that, but of course there are always new ideas clamoring for space, and not enough time to do everything.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Only 3 or 4? That is so hard! I’d want something practical. ‘How to survive on a Desert Island in 10 easy steps’. (Imagine if that was a real book!). But I’d also want something to transport me away from what would probably be a pretty harsh reality once the excitement wore off. So thinking along those lines, Two of my favourite stories include ‘A Good Night’s Sleep’, by Stephanie Simpson, and ‘Skipping out on Henry’ by C. L. Ogilvie.
Author Websites and Profiles
Heather Kinnane Website
Heather Kinnane Amazon Profile
Heather Kinnane’s Social Media Links
Twitter Account