Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a Masters of Arts (Writing) student with Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia. I live with my husband in the rural wine region of Stanthorpe in Queensland. I write novels, short stories, poetry and articles, and have dabbled in script writing, journalism, and online writing in my studies. My short story ‘Hi, I’m Here’ was published in the literary journal Bukker Tillibul, Issue 08. The story is about three women who feel isolated by society, but a chance meeting changes their lives.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest and first published book is “Intention”, the first of an ecotopian literary fantasy series called “The Farthing Hero’s Journey”. It is about a world where the elements, creatures and plants all have equal ability to reason and communicate, and the purpose of life is to enhance the natural order. A sixteen-year-old girl from Earth arrives on the planet and has trouble conforming to the different way of life and thinking. It is inspired by what I see happening in this world. While not a militant environmentalist, I believe Earth is at risk because nature is being recklessly misused and destroyed.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I have a dedicated office space for writing, that I do not clutter with other activities, but I do not think that is unusual. When I am trying to figure out a scenario, character trait, or plot point, I literally sleep on it. I get a lot of inspiration as I wake up in the morning. Perhaps that is a bit unusual. The morning is the best time of day for me to write, so I set aside that time each day (at least two hours). Everything else is done in the afternoon. My best writing for a first draft is done without lots of planning and editing as I go.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
When I started creative writing, I was an avid reader of fantasy books, and Raymond E Feist inspired me. Since then, I have read a lot of classics, both literary and genre books. I notice my language is influenced by my recent reads, and I tend to use a mix of older and contemporary words. Another authors who influenced me is Ernest Hemmingway. I would love to master his ability to bring the reader right into the story. A contemporary author whose influence helps with writing for younger readers is J K Rowling.
What are you working on now?
I find it impossible to work on just one thing at a time, as I use my intuition to guide my creativity each day. At the moment, I am editing the second book in “The Farthing Hero’s Journey”. At the same time, I am involved in an online writing project, which is a member website for would-be sleuths to work in teams to solve crime and mystery scenarios. This is a new and exciting endeavor for me. Waiting to be edited, is my magical realism story for middle grade readers, which I wrote it for NaNoWriMo last year. Finally, I have a feature film script to finish about a group of pensioners who hire an assassin to not kill a man.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
As I am new to book marketing, I do not yet know what is the best method or website for promoting my books. It is a huge learning curve that I am still climbing as I experiment with and assess the various options.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Being a new author myself, it feels presumptuous to offer advice. However, I cannot deny the tremendous help study of writing has given me. If nothing more, I think it is imperative for new writers to read books about the craft. A good starting point is Stephen King’ s “On Writing”.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
I hope the recent advice I received about ebook marketing is the best advice I have ever heard. To be serious, the advice that keeps me going is ‘never give up’. Writing is a profession that needs persistence and self-belief, with an open mind that can distinguish between constructive critiques and destructive criticism.
What are you reading now?
I am reading “Gulliver’s Travels”. Years ago, I started and hated the style. Now my perspective when reading has matured, I can see a lot of merits in the book and find it quite entertaining. As it is a story about imagined lands, I find a comparison with my imagined world and observe the techniques used by Jonathan Swift to portray the differences.
What’s next for you as a writer?
The full series for “The Farthing Hero’s Journey” will take several years to complete. I anticipate eight or nine books in all. These are my priority, but I will continue to simultaneously write other works.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Well, they could not be ebooks, as my ereader could not be charged. I would take “Magician” by Raymond E Feist, “When the Bell Tolls” by Ernest Hemingway, “Whispering in the Wind” by Carmen Bostick St Clair and John Grinder, and (provided I am allowed pencil and paper) “The Screenwriter’s Bible” by David Trottier.
Author Websites and Profiles
Helen F Miller Website
Helen F Miller Amazon Profile
I’m not sure if this is the best way to contact Helen F Miller, however I thought I would give it a go.
I can across an article written by Helen F Miller, namely ‘In Memory of Mary Miller – Backstory’. The article was, in fact written about my wife’s great grandfather, Christophe Johann Friedrick Miller, who was killed by someone who threw a stick of gelignite into his home at Green Wattle Gully, Toowoomba in 1902.
Helen F Miller indicated Christophe Miller was also her great grandfather. My wife would love to get in contact with Helen, who I believes lives in Stanthorpe. My wife’s father Clarence Miller, Christophe’s grandson, is still alive and kicking in Toowoomba at 97 years of age and he and his wife Gladys can add to the story as to why the Gelignite was thrown into the house on that night in 1902. Hoping you might be able to put my wife and I in touch with Helen F Miller, as we’ve done a lot of research into the Miller family tree and Helen may be able to assist with some more information.
Bill Knowles