About Hijack the Pearl
It was Stretch who suggested they should steal a small launch and sail it up to Cairns. Jazza reckoned that the idea wasn’t stupid; it was the size of the boat that was stupid. They were all bored, some in low-paying jobs, others unemployed. And so the subject was tossed around until these ten former serving members of the Australian Army decided to proceed with Jazza’s idle suggestion of hijacking a cruise ship for money, for ransom. The decision took them out into the waters of the South Pacific, to the hijacking of a cruise ship and its passengers. The taking of the Ocean Pearl should have been carried out without the shedding of blood, without the death and destruction which they had experienced in Afghanistan, in East Timor, in Iraq, and other places which would sometimes haunt them in the depths of night.
But once begun, once the Pearl had been taken, death and destruction followed as it had done in those other places.
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Author Bio:
Robert Mitchell spent his early years in Melbourne, Australia where he graduated from Melbourne University with degrees in Law and Arts. Moving to Suva, Fiji, in 1969, he spent the next twelve years practicing law, with a mid-term break of two years when he and his wife, May, acquired a one-third interest in a marine salvage company. Robert acted as company manager, diver, and assistant salvage master in a number of marine salvages in the South Pacific. The experience he gained during those two years has been used to great advantage in several of his novels. In 1981 he returned to Australia and continued practicing law. In 1988 his novel The Lucinda Legacy was a prize-winner in the Australia-wide Bicentennial Novel Competition. In 2000, he and his family moved to Brisbane, where he retired. In 2003, he and May ventured to China, where they taught English to high school and college students for two years. They traveled extensively throughout China during this time, their experiences reflected in his two latest novels. Robert now spends his time writing – for the pleasure it gives to others.