About Holograms And Echoes: Transform Triggers To Truth by Kyra Schaefer
Kyra offers the perfect blend of clinical and spiritual psychology and focuses heavily on practice and application to unravel trauma. She has acquired an intimate understanding of how to relate to fears we all have, whether trauma-induced or not. By transforming her condition and teaching thousands of clients about theirs, she has created a perfectly-timed masterful work to which we can all relate. It is rich with decades of wisdom and a profound understanding of the human condition.
You will leave this book knowing you have the power to make the changes necessary in your life to live free from the confines of triggers and triggered reactions.
Gain instant insights about your triggered reactions.
Become a champion of your mental well-being.
Bring health back to your trauma brain and reduce anxious reactions.
Understand how to reset the brain to make it work for you.
Understand your relationships better than ever before.
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Author Bio:
Kyra Schaefer is the founder of the independent publishing company called As You Wish Publishing, a business dedicated to making book publishing accessible for aspiring authors who want to publish solo books and participate in collaborative books. Kyra helps authors get their messages heard to bring hope-filled, real-life stories to the world. Her passion is to debunk the myth that writing is difficult and only available for a lucky chosen few. If you want to share your story with the world and learn about upcoming projects, you can reach Kyra at www.asyouwishpublishing.com .