About Immersion by Dzintra Sullivan
Payton Hunter’s choice to take a late night stroll by the cliffs will change her life forever. A freak gust of wind catches her off guard, and she falls into the ocean below. As the last breath of air leaks from her lungs, Payton surrenders to the cold black arms of death. Prince Volos, the oldest son of the Water Dragon King, stands proudly with the human spy he’s captured. His father will surely renounce the crown to him as he proves himself worthy. When this small, dark haired beauty causes his heart to start singing, Volos now wonders what’s more important. Being the next King? Or being immersed in the arms of true love? Miles under the surface of the ocean a choice must be made. A choice where ripples will be felt far and wide. What is the depth you will go to for true love?
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Author Bio:
Dzintra Sullivan is an Australian author who lives on the beautiful East Coast. Dzintra writes from a place in her soul that knows no boundaries. She believes conformity stems creativity and refuses to play a part. Instead, she greets her characters with an open heart and mind and strives to tell their stories with a passion and dedication they deserve. Each of Dzintra’s books are treated with the uniqueness that she feels they need. She is a pantser of the deepest depths, letting the characters taking the lead most times, allowing her, like you, the reader, to enjoy an incredible ride with every book she writes. When you open a book by Dzintra Sullivan, you can be guaranteed of one thing… You are in for one heck of a journey.