About Interview with an Oracle, Profound Revelations about Our World: From the Himalayan Journals of M.G. Hawking
Free on Kindle Unlimited. If you’re concerned about the current state of the world, the political turmoil in our country, and the future of our civilization, this book is an important read. The revelations in this book came because a thousand voices called for them, and for good reason. Theology has crumbled and political theory collapsed; technology complicates life and war; media corruption subverts truth to enthrone ignorance; religious fanaticism terrorizes citizens, inflames the world, and imperils every nation on our planet.
In this unprecedented account, while trekking in a remote region of the Himalayan mountains, explorer M.G. Hawking chances on an unexpected opportunity. A sequence of remarkable adventures take him to an ancient Oracle Temple in the highlands of Tibet where he encounters a true shamanistic Oracle of the esoteric B’on tradition. Hawking’s discussions with the Oracle reveal a profound series of insights and revelations about our country and the condition of our world’s civilizations. An extraordinary narrative that is compelling, entertaining and thought provoking, this book will impact you, engender discussions and linger in your thoughts long after the last words have been read.
2021 Edition, e-reader page count 296 (estimated, actual count varies depending on the reading device). Includes an insightful chapter on the history of government through its various ages, forms and outcomes, plus a Source Material Anthology. For more information, please see the ‘Read sample’ feature on the book’s Amazon page. Thank you.
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Author Bio:
M.G. Hawking is an avid traveler, adventurer, and writer. Devoted to exploring remote areas of the globe to discover regions unknown to the Western world, always in search of extraordinary people and experiences, he has found many, especially in the Great Range of the Himalayas, the setting for most of his books. His focus is documenting profound wisdom traditions and revealing the knowledge and power they convey. Hawking is the author of the book series, ‘In The Valley of Supreme Masters,’ along with its associated companion volumes. When not traveling, he spends his time working on projects related to presenting books of an esoteric nature with his wonderful team in Northern California. Heather Cantrell, M.Litt., contributor and editor for Wisdom Masters Press, is an experienced world traveler. Having been born in Nepal to British parents who were teachers in various parts of Asia, she has extensive experience in the Himalayas, and is a devoted equestrian and animal lover. Amber Chellings, M.Phil., contributor and newsletter director, is an avid photographer, outdoor enthusiast and ardent equestrian. Jenna Wolfe, Ph.D., our exceptional research expert, contributor and book content supervisor, is a primary link to our numerous academic technical advisers.