Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am from a family of storytellers. At gatherings, we would sit around listening to our parents and grandparents’ fascinating stories of growing up, their adventures and the lessons learned which they passed down to us.
Writing was second nature to me since elementary school. Little did I know I would come full circle with writing — no longer school compositions or papers, but stories about life that could be enjoyed by readers of all ages. Thus, my motto, “I may no longer sing, dance or draw pictures, but God has granted me the gift to do them all in my writing.”
My stories, as I said earlier, are about life, accomplishments vs. failures, love, family — oh and let’s not leave out gardening and restoration. No matter how small or large, there will always be something related to those fields in the lives of my characters.
When my aged parents became ill, I would read them stories and help them regain their ability to read aloud and communicate on their own. They became my muse for children’s stories.
With simplicity, I discovered, reading can help our folks regain their cognitive abilities of expression and comprehension. This gentle therapy is what I encourage all families with aging or ailing relatives to share. Reading is comforting when read to, and an amazing reward when our loved one manage to communicate again.
Thanks to Ms. Jacquelin Thomas, COO of Brown Girls Books, I have returned to my love to write contemporary fiction for adults and teens. No, I haven’t abandoned my children stories. They will remain with me indefinitely.
To date I have authored seven books — ranging from juvenile to adult reading.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest release is PARADISE DREAMS, and was inspired by my travels to the Caribbean. I just loved the people and their colorful culture. Interchanging with them and hearing their stories stimulated ideas and thoughts such as, “What if …?” “Is it possible …?” In time, characters and situations formed and a story was born.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
No, not really. My mind visualizes the entire story from the beginning– not in the middle where I have to piece accounts to complete a puzzle — I cannot see it that way. Of course, when going over the draft, I add or take away or rearrange the scenes, but actually I pretty much know where it is going unless my characters redirect me due to a situation. They are given free reign and I listen, observe, but basically it starts from the beginning with a prepared ending that could sometimes turn into a surprise — even for me .
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Although I enjoy writing women’s fiction, I’m an avid fan of mystery, and my latest mystery writer is Estelle Ryan. Noted author and friend, Jacquelin Thomas, introduced me to romance through her books, and I was surprised how much I really enjoyed them. Perhaps because she spices up her stories with mystery and intrigue. She eventually encouraged me to write romance. What a new and delightful surprise to discover this refreshing genre I kept hidden until I found the key. New stories have opened and I am eager to share them with my readers along with my other genres.
What are you working on now?
My new project is titled, EDEN’S GARDEN. I’ve been working on and off it for some time now. Brown Girls Books prompted me to complete it. I love the story and can’t wait to introduce it to my readers.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Hm … my favorite. Well of course Facebook and a few other new marketing sites. I’m happy I was introduced to you, Awesome Gang, to help get my work exposed to as many readers as possible. I do try to keep my website up to date and share it as an immediate reference.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write, write, write and read, read, read. Reading and writing keep our minds lubricated and alert. There are also terrific seminars to attend that are cost efficient/free, yet valuable in knowledge. Keep in contact with reputable sights that offer good advice and events to attend.
Editing. Do not be offended by editing. It is another means of refining your work — not destroying it. A good editor(s) is the doctor that we as writers need to keep us and our story in check and bring out the best in our work without taking away our voice and thoughts.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Read your story aloud before you send it off. I may not read the entire book, but areas I feel are questionable, I’ve decided it wise not to ignore that advice. I perhaps may need to do just that with the answers to your questions.
What are you reading now?
I’m looking at Estelle Ryan’s latest release, THE MORISOT CONNECTION. I binge read. When I am drawn to a writer and like a few of their books, I just go ahead and gobble up the rest. After reading her book, I MUST go back to my writing and finish up my project.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Spring is soon approaching, despite how crazy cold it is outside right now. Time to make plans for my garden, and the big project of fixing up our home my parents left us. Just the thought of it exhausts me, but it’s long past due.
The biggest joy I look forward to is sitting on our porch with my favorite cup of joy and enjoy the beautiful yard. That brings out the best in my writing and reading. Stories start to surface and overdo blogs beg to be written.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Stranded? Gotta have my Bible close by. Two mysteries and a romance. Can I have at least have two more books??? (sigh…)
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J. Hale Turner Website
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