Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m British and have been living in Bulgaria for the last seven years, with my partner and three rescue dogs. I’ve written three books to date. The first was a couple of years ago, non-fiction, focusing on stories of the dogs I have rescued, which I also illustrated with a portrait of each dog. This was done to help raise the profile of, and funds for the dog rescue NGO I helped set up. The second was last summer and is an illustrated children’s book, about British woodland creatures. I wrote and illustrated this as a gift for my three-year-old nephew who lives in Kenya. Now I’m back to writing in the genre I’m best at, crime thrillers with a dark side, short stories and flash fiction with twist. My interests include, psychology, spirituality and the metaphysical, and that helps me to weave tales that explore the darker side of human nature, which I find fascinating.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book was published on 21st January and is called “Predator or Prey ~ Short Tales With A Twist.” As the name implies it’s a collection of short stories that explore the darker recesses of the human mind. The collection was inspired by my interest in what makes a person tick, using characters as far removed from me as possible. Is it nature or nurture that causes a person to turn bad, or are they born that way? Are they a product of their environment and experiences or is it something that has been there from the beginning, is it genetic?
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I write in a sauna. Literally. When we moved to Bulgaria seven years ago, it came with the house. I initially used it as an art studio, but then when I turned to writing full-time, it made sense to empty it and turn it into a writing cave. It works very well and is like being in my own log cabin. If I do need to write at the kitchen table, which is often, then I’m usually doing so with a dog asleep on my knee.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I’m an avid reader, as most authors are, so I have an eclectic taste. In terms of influence I would say, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Neil Gaiman and Clive Barker. Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie.
What are you working on now?
Currently I’m working on my debut novel, ‘A Poisoned Mind” featuring protagonist Dr. Mary Gray. She’s a criminal profiler and poisons expert with a secret past and an eerie gift. She was a child prodigy with an unhealthy upbringing and this, followed by an event in her twenties, has catastrophic repercussions. And she teeters on the brink of a mental breakdown whilst on the hunt for a serial killer. It’s a British based crime thriller.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
As I’ve only just got to grips with setting up my writer platform, it’s probably too early to say which are working and which aren’t. But I promote my books on most social media, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Google+, as well as my own website. And I’m active on Goodreads.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
I have advice and tips on my website under the Author Toolbox, I update this regularly as and when I find new information that I think will help other Indie-authors. I also have a Readers Group newsletter, which I send out once or twice a month. I give away a free short story, currently The Yellow Cottage, to all those that sign up. If there are writers within the group then I also send additional tips and must-have tools and connections to them periodically. But the best tip I think is to write every day. It doesn’t matter what you write just get it down. Your brain is like a muscle and needs exercising regularly.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
When you’ve finished your first draft, let it sit for a couple of weeks. Then go back to it with fresh eyes before you start to edit.
What are you reading now?
Write, Publish, Repeat, by Johnny B Truant and Sean Platt, those of the Self-Publishing Podcast. It’s a must read for any indie-author. I’m also reading some authors work I’ve recently connected with on Goodreads: Stormling – The Legend of Mordana book 1 by John Hennessy / Joshua’s Island by Patrick Hodges / Exceptional Merit by George P. Norris.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I have several projects in mind to tackle after I’ve finished A Poisoned Mind; it’s deciding which one to choose. But hopefully I’ll begin work on the mystery series I’ve been mulling over for a while.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
* Stark by Ben Elton
* Anything from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld.
* One that tells you how to build a seaworthy boat from a palm tree, a coconut and a handkerchief!
Author Websites and Profiles
J. New Website
J. New Amazon Profile
J. New’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Twitter Account
Pinterest Account
I just finished reading Jacquie’s free book, “The Yellow Cottage.” I loved the atmosphere of the book and wondered if she planned to write any others based on that south coast UK island? A series would be wonderful! The book was so descriptive of the local fauna and flora and characters that it made me want to get on a plane and visit immediately!
Thank you Caroline for your kind comments, and I’m very glad to hear you enjoyed The Yellow Cottage, it was fun to write. In terms of a series, it wasn’t something that I had thought about, but there are possibilities there certainly. My debut-novel A Poisoned Mind which is due out in the summer this year (2015), is also based in the UK, although up in Yorkshire, where I’m from. It’s not as light-hearted as the free one on my website though.
I have several other projects in the pipeline currently, but will certainly bear in mind the potential for further works in the area where The Yellow Cottage is based.
If you’ve read The Yellow Cottage, then you must have signed up to my Readers Group on my website, so thank you for your support and welcome aboard!
Best wishes
J. New