Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
My first attempt at writing a Fantasy novel occurred decades ago – when I was still a student in high school. To say that the resulting book was awful would be too kind, and it was disposed of soon afterwards. From that experience, however, I gained a better appreciation for the elements that would be needed to produce a successful novel – including the persistence to see such an undertaking to its conclusion.
In the intervening years, life happened: university, jobs, marriage, kids. I never completely ceased writing, but I also had neither the time nor motivation to launch another novel. I did, however, have a non-fiction book (a history text – some 400+ pages, hardbound) that I gradually polished and rounded out – which was eventually published through a traditional, printed publishing house. The latter experience further solidified my conviction that I indeed could undertake a novel again – should I choose to do so.
It was my three daughters, however, who reintroduced me to the world of Fantasy-Fiction. Literature was something that the four of us could share, discuss and compare – together with other fantasy and literary influences. I was able to introduce some of my old favorites to my daughters, and they in turn, introduced me to some of theirs.
It was this latter experience, sharing and discussing stories and literature, that convinced me to try my hand at writing Fantasy-Fiction once again: weaving together tales and ideas that had been circulating across my mind for decades. I hope that the resulting stories and characters are as fun to read as they were for me to write.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book (and first novel) is Storm’s Herald, the first in a planned trilogy – for which I am currently writing the second installment.
Storm’s Herald is an epic fantasy, inspired in part by characters from my own youth, but also by the characters (in literature, movies or anime) that my daughters have introduced me to.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Having my daughters play a role in reviewing the manuscript, and recommending changes or things that they would like to see done differently was part of the pleasure behind writing Storm’s Herald. I could write a scene, and look forward to seeing how they would react to the characters and events.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
My own youthful literary inspirations came from a variety of authors and backgrounds, but shared a few repeating themes.
My favorite authors when I was young included J.R.R. Tolkien, Terry Brooks, and Anne McCaffrey – but also included classical writers, such as H.G. Wells, Edgar Allan Poe, John Steinbeck, Victor Hugo, and of course William Shakespeare. These were authors whose books I sought out – not necessarily those that I was assigned to read in some class. Authors that had a story that needed to be heard, or who could create characters that resonated larger than life.
Looking back across those years, I can still point to specific themes that each book or author conveyed, and individual characters that I can clearly remember to this day – not all of them necessarily the heroes.
The central theme that I believe makes a character great, boils down to their humanity. Good or bad, young or old, its our ability to see a part of ourselves, of people we know in them. The flaws, the imperfections, that make us struggle and strive, those are the things that we desperately need to relate to for a character to be memorable. They might be a hero from the Lord of the Rings, or the darkest villain from MacBeth, but it’s our ability to see our own imperfections mirrored in their persona that makes that character relatable to us, in ways that continue to inspire or appall.
What are you working on now?
I am currently writing the second installment to the Stormfall Chronicles – which I expect to see released in mid-2019.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
The most important attribute that a successful writer must have is perseverance. Plan on having to writer, rewrite, and rewrite again. Be prepared to suffer disappointment and ridicule – and still keep going, improving on your craft.
What are you reading now?
Sara Roethle’s Tree of Ages series.
What’s next for you as a writer?
After I complete the Stormfall Chronicles? I’m not sure – although my daughters have been begging me to write a prequel.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
A collection of Shakespeare’s plays for sure. So much depth of character to be mined from there.
Probably Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern books as well, and my third choice – of course – would be the collected works of J.R.R. Tolkien.
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