Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Author bio: Jaime Leah Marchon is a true gemini, in life and as an author. Teen-friendly young adult to edgy new adult/contemporary fiction. Sweetheart heroines and bad boys with a past. Hilarious best friends and shy ex-boyfriends. She’s an avid reader and nature lover. Fitness addict and foodie. Traveler and homebody. Full makeup or barefaced. Crime procedurals or teen dramas. Four inch heels or barefoot. Sweet and salty caramel or red hot sauce. Anything can happen.
For real though, I’m all over the place, I can love something and hate it at the exact same time which makes writing the perfect profession for me. I like getting my thoughts out into the world and sharing these stories that are usually floating around in my head as I’m falling asleep at night.
I’ve written countless books and am currently editing and revising tons.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Name? Name? I’m so not there yet. Am I the only one who leaves the book’s name to literally the last second? Meaning, when it’s time to design the cover? The latest book I’ve written has a working title of Annalyse (the protagonist’s name) and it was actually inspired by a character that I created with my husband for one of his books. I got so into mapping out her character sketch that I had to write a book from her perspective.
And of course I’m currently editing my sequels to Falling Faster (All Falls Down and Falls on Me)
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I do my best writing while watching YouTube makeup videos or listening to music. It drives my writer hubby CRAZY! I also love to write in nature whenever possible, including bustling parks (in my car) or even in the middle of the woods on a long hike. And through many years of trial and error I’ve come to conclude that I need to map out the ENTIRE book before I can write a word.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I’ve always been a huge reader, devouring VC Andrews books and Stephen King’s IT in 8th grade, all 1000 pages. I’ll literally read anything I can get my hands on, tons and tons of free ebooks especially. And… I’m not too bashful to admit that the majority of my reading is magazines like USWeekly and Cosmo and now that I’m not 20 anymore, Oprah Magazine. I can find inspiration anywhere but I love indie authors like JJ Knight (her MMA books especially), Addison Moore and BT Urruela. As for more well-known authors I’ve always loved the humor or Janet Evanovich and the Scarpetta series by Patricia Cornwell. My absolute favorite author is my husband Matthew Marchon and not just because I get to help him pick the storylines. Told you, true Gemini.
What are you working on now?
Currently working on final edits of the next books in my Fall Series: All Falls Down and Falls on Me as well as editing ‘Annalyse’ and storymapping ‘Brooklyn’ and ‘Lila’. I have to have my hands in five pies at once (and yes, I’m like that with actual pies [all food] too).
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
If I find one, I’ll let you know. Just put it out there, anywhere and see what happens. My best site might not work out for you and you may get tons of traffic from somewhere I never even thought to look.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Just write. As much as possible, any little sliver of time you can find… WRITE! Don’t limit yourself to a certain number of words per day, don’t get bogged down in what other people are doing, just do you. Stick to your writing voice and style. When I started writing New Adult was where I was comfortable and it wasn’t even a recognized category at the time. Oh the doors that could have opened if I’d stuck with my New Adult style.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
I’m really trying to implement writing at least 500 words a day. It keeps your mind in the game and keeps your characters at the forefront of your imagination. Eat, breathe and sleep that novel and you will be too excited to stop. Keep that momentum going!
What are you reading now?
I’m reading and re-reading my own work. So much so that I have entire scenes memorized. But it keeps me invigorated and ready to tackle the editing process.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Editing, editing, editing. Finishing started works. Putting it all out there because you never know what’s going to take off or what will resonate with audiences.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I’m a Gemini. It depends on the day. Right now I would take…
A thick and juicy Stephen King novel, probably IT because there’s just so much to it. There’s a lot of analyzing that could be done. But I would be scared Pennywise would pop out from underneath my hammock.
Honestly, and this sounds like bragging, but the best book I’ve read in a long time is After Failure by Matthew Marchon (yes, the hubby). I know the characters, I love them or love to hate them, and it would feel like a warm cozy blanket around me. Plus, I have multiple copies so if I needed to start a fire…
I’d probably try my hardest to find a self-help book about being stranded on a desert island because I would not survive the solitude for more than 3 days (and for those first 72 hours I would love it with my whole heart)