Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I live in Bristol in the UK with my wife and my young son. I have been writing now for about 16 years, but have only very recently (2016) taken the plunge into self-publishing after many failed attempts to pique the interests of an agent. I write what I like to read, which is mostly fantasy, but I’d like to dabble in some other genres in the future – I may even have a romance novel up my sleeve!
At the moment I just have the one book published – Fear’s Union, which is the first part of an epic fantasy trilogy. However, I am planning to release a novella later this year (mid-2016), called Mandestroy, which is a bit of a prequel to Fear’s Union. This will be eternally available for free on all major ebook stores.
Beyond that, I plan to write the later books in the series as soon as I find the time (I do have a full time day job too obviously), but I also have a number of “spin-off” ideas that I want to explore. There just aren’t enough hours in the day!
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
It’s called Fear’s Union, and it’s the first part of an epic fantasy trilogy.
Inspiration – I was originally inspired to write this back in 2001(ish) when I watched LOTR and promptly re-read the entire LOTR saga including all associated standalone books. This rekindled my love of fantasy books, and it’s been snowballing ever since. It’s fair to say that the story has come a long way since, but that it the root of it.
Oh and music – I love walking around with my headphones in, letting my mind wander. Bliss.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I’m not sure I’m entirely sure what “normal” writing habits are!
In an attempt to squeeze every last hour out of the day, I currently review my work by loading it into Kindle on my phone so that I can pick it up absolutely anywhere. It’s not the greatest tool, but it certainly is flexible!
And I do always write to music, which I imagine others don’t necessarily do. I know that for some people music is distracting, but for me it is more like petrol – it drives the words out!
What authors, or books have influenced you?
My favourite fantasy authors (where I draw a lot of influence from) are as follows:
– Scott Lynch (the Gentleman Bastard series).
– Joe Abercrombie (the First Law trilogy).
– Tolkien (obviously)
And other books that have really struck a chord over the years:
– Bernard Cornwell’s Arthurian series;
– Asimov’s foundation series;
– East of Eden by John Steinbeck (brilliant!)
What are you working on now?
A novella called Mandestroy. It’s a bit of a prequel to Fear’s Union (though not essential reading!) and it actually explores the life of one of the bad guys from FU. It’s been fun to write. This will be published mid 2016 and will be free for all.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’m pretty new to all this, so I don’t really consider myself a tour de force yet! Obviously the Awesomegang seem excellent, but hopefully I can build a bit of buzz around ,my author platform: There’s loads of great info there.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Just write. It’s the only way to get better.
Oh and listen to the praise, but REALLY listen to the criticism. Especially if it’s coming from someone of authority.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Time is the ultimate scarce resource. That may actually be one of mine (or it might not!) but it gets to the nub of the matter. Spend as much time as possible doing what makes you happy. Simple.
What are you reading now?
Joe Abercrombie’s “Half the World”
And “Shades of Smoke” by Alan Denham & Graham Buckley – Alan approached me to read and review this on my blog, which was quite flattering.
What’s next for you as a writer?
More writing.
Oh, and trying to work out how best to tell the world about my story. Tough gig.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
War & Peace – I’ve never got around to reading it.
The Silmarillion – it’s a tough read, but as a piece of world building, it is unparalleled.
Mark Lawrence – King of Thorns. It’s next on my to read list.
And the second book in the Amra Thetys series by Michael McClung – look it up.
Author Websites and Profiles
James Hockley Website
James Hockley Amazon Profile
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