Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m English and live in the beautiful Cotswolds. This is my first published book, with many more to follow. I have written stories and poetry since I was tiny and finally found the courage, and the right mentors, to help me fulfill my dream of becoming a professional writer. I love cats and all animals, and would love to have a big red bushy cats tail. I think that would be so snuggly.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The name of my very first book is called Unexpected Friends. It’s completely different to the original idea (which is usually the case.) I was inspire by a daydream about what vampires and warewolves would be like, if they weren’t scary and didn’t eat people. Then my imagination ran away with the pen in my hand and you can read the result for yourself.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I write with pen and paper, no computer screen is in sight when I write! I like to write on pretty paper and with pretty pens, so I’m always on the look out for nice stationary. They improve the story dramatically! Well, ok, they don’t, but they make me happy! I do have a really beautiful writing pen that’s a one off. I was elated when I bought it but that didn’t last long; it’s so heavy I can’t even write with it for five minutes! So now it sits in a pretty box and I just look at it. Oh well, as least I can do that.
Besides this, I always light a candle and do a short meditation before writing. In my meditation, I bring in the intention to write a beautiful story that uplifts, encourages, empowers and inspires my readers. I also like to hop on one leg for 3 1/2 minutes exactly before writing; it’s great for the circulation. No, don’t worry, I was just kidding, I don’t do that 😉 but I am getting into the habit of taking regular breaks and getting my blood pumping by going for a quick walk, or jumping on a rebounder. I do have rubbish circulation, so this helps when I’m on a break.
My favourite time to write is at night, next to an open fire. That is so magical. Alas, I don’t have a fire in my new home, but it’s on my list for my next place.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Tamora Pierce – I grew up with ‘The Lioness series’ I love it so much I didn’t read the last book so that the story wouldn’t end. I’ve actually still not read the last book!
The Narnian Chronicles, I love these so much and wish I wrote them!
Michael Morpurgo writes so beautifully, I’m aspiring to his standard.
James Redfield and Paulo coelho. I love how they weave inspiring and visionary ideas and messages into their stories wo well.
What are you working on now?
Book two in the series of ‘The Mysterious Life of Anaya’
actually, I’ve not started yet. I better get a move on!
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Well, this is my first promotion, so I’ll let you know next time 😉
Do you have any advice for new authors?
We all have the same fears. Don’t indulge them. Find a good mentor to help you through any blocks or excuses and get going 🙂 Hannah M Davis (soul writers cafe) is a great place to start for anyone who is lacking in confidence, (as I was.)
Do whatever you have to do to move forward – for me, that usually means some NLP/EFT/Hypnosis/ good coaching. It works! Don’t allow yourself to have any excuses. I’m still recovering from a long term illness (M.E, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and I still managed to write and publish a book. It took longer than I’d have liked, but i got there.
I think regret is the biggest tragedy. Get going with your writing so that you don’t have any regrets.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
‘Never give up! Never Surrender!’ (quote from Galaxy Quest)
What are you reading now?
Michael Morpurgo – Billy the Kid
The Highly Sensitive Person in Love – Elaine N. Aron
What’s next for you as a writer?
Write book two in the series. I plan for the entire series one to be out by the end of the year (2016.) Build my author platform. Write like a maniac! Read good books and develop my writing skills.
Then turn all my books into films and be the next JK Rowling! haha! Well, you never know………
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Some of the Narnian Chronicles, by C.S Lewes
One of the ‘Lioness series’ by Tamora Pierce
A Michael Morpurgo book
Voices of Angels by Hannah M Davis
I love all these books!!
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