Interview With Author Jiten Bhatt
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a PhD Scholar and an M Tech from IIT Bombay. I also hold a Diploma in Creative English writing. I am an Ex Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) engineering scientist. I have written three books in past.
My first book was Smart techniques for cracking the job interview, where I explain different techniques to clear job interviews.
My second book was “Winning with Disability”, which is a collection of real life stories of eight differently abled persons – Inky Johnson, Arunima Sinha, Muniba Mazari, Sudha Chandran, Preethi Srinivasan, Károly Takács, Major D. P. Singh, and Aditya Mehta.
My third book was “Handling Infidelity”, which is a book for all the brave souls dealing with infidelity.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My new book is titled, “Ask It Right: A self help guide book on asking the right questions in your mind”. I was inspired to write this book, when I saw people asking wrong questions and going in a downward spiral of thoughts. Sometime years ago, I had a guest named Forum, who was very low in self confidence and she kept blaming herself for everything. She would often wonder, “Why does this happen to me?” I tried to convince her that it was not her fault and she needs to change her mindset. Later this inspired me to write a book on how people ask wrong questions and end up without any solutions to their problems. In this book, I show, why it is essential to ask the right questions in order to get right answers. I have discussed in detail about many different questioning techniques which we can use to solve any problem in our lives, whether it is business, carrier or relationship.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Yes, quite a time, I get ideas in the middle of the night. I then open my google docs on my phone and jot down the ideas before going back to sleep. That way I ensure that all my ideas are not lost from my memory.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I love to read non fiction self help books. I love the way many authors motivate us. My favourite authors are Shiv Khera, Tony Robbins, James Clear and Robin Sharma.
What are you working on now?
I am currently working on a non-fiction book on breaking our comfort zone.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I believe social media plays an important role in promoting our books and Instagram and Facebook are vital in promoting our books. Apart from that Awesome Gang is a beautifully designed website which helps both authors and readers in connecting with each other.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
It is a long journey ahead, so do not panic and give up in the middle.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Lage Raho i.e. Keep striving for your best version
What are you reading now?
Awaken the giant within by Tony Robbins
What’s next for you as a writer?
I have so far written only non-fiction. But I also want to dive into fiction writing.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
You can win by Shiv Khera
The monk who sold his Ferarri by Robin Sharma
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Author Websites and Profiles
Jiten Bhatt Website
Jiten Bhatt Amazon Profile
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Jiten Bhatt is a good author, I have read his book Ask it right, very good book, nice concept about asking right questions to yourself to get right answers.