Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
My name is Judith Wilson pen name Flawless . I currently live in Orlando, FL. I was recently released from prison about 2 years ago and decided to publish my first book. I have been writing mostly poetry since the sixth grade but took on writing short stories, and books when I realized my lengthy poems were turning into novels! I was encouraged by cell mates as well as family to do something with my writing. I finally listened and now I am Felon turned publish author within two years of release.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The name of my latest book was inspired by boredom. I was serving a 42 month sentence in the state prison when i ran out of books to read so i started to write my own. It became a hot commodity to all of my cell mates as well as family at home wanted me to send them another “chapter” as they called it. I have been writing since the 6th grade but the time I spent incarcerated brought out a writing beast I barely knew lived in me.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Yes I would speed type my way through writing just so I wouldn’t forget anything, then I would go back and correct ALL of my grammatical errors and misspelled words. Its such a bad habit because I believe in the whole “clean/edit as you go” rule.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Definitely Wahida Clark has been a big inspiration from her writing to her actual background. Just because I love the way James Patterson writing style in most of his books are so original and picture painted for his readers.
What are you working on now?
I am currently working on the sequel to my current book. As well as getting some illustrations together for my upcoming children’s books.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I have been mainly promoting through social media, with Instagram and Facebook. Good is also a great website.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Yes, I would like to tell all of the new authors out there to go with your instinct the first time because then you’ll be battling the wrong decision to the point where that wrong move seems right at that moment. Its a matter of vibrations, the universe will always lead your mind correctly. So don’t become nervous of if someone is going to like your book or style of writing just go for it! Also its very important to do the complete review check on your soon to be publishers. Its always a good thing to be able to “pop-up”, so find a local or nearby publisher just in case there are problems getting someone on the phone. Remember your book and writing is like a child you want be handled gently at the doctors office.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
The best advice I heard so far is “Judi the world is a different place don’t let peoples words stop you from living your dream. Everyone will get that chance to hurt and discourage you and its up to you to show them your equality and strength, be you.”
What are you reading now?
I am currently reading Dan Brown- ‘Da Vinci’.
What’s next for you as a writer?
As a writer there are so many complete projects that I have to turn into reality. There is a Sequel to my first book coming out titled “Cashin’ Out’. I also have been working on some movie script writing for actual paying customers. So look for me behind the big screen as well.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
My book ‘Love For Money, ‘Lifeguard’- James Patterson, ‘Payback Aint Enough’- Wahida Clark and “Blood Sweat and Payback’- Wahida Clark
Author Websites and Profiles
Judith Wilson Website
Judith Wilson’s Social Media Links
Twitter Account
Saucy ๐
Hi i recent read you rbook Love for the money are you looking to put this into a movie? Thanks Jazzy Bee