About Ketogenic Diet for Beginners: Achieve Rapid Weight Loss and Gain Incredible Health and Energy by Vanessa Olsen
The Best Kept Secret to Staying Fit for Life
For decades, the ketogenic diet has been the most effective yet least publicized way to achieve rapid weight loss while gaining superhuman energy – used exclusively amongst nutritionists, dieticians, models, and celebrities. But now, the secret to simple health and vitality is out.
Learn how to live the keto life of happiness, health, and overall well-being while eating foods that are rich, savory, and delicious – exercise unnecessary!
Those who follow the guidelines presented in this book will experience:
*Rapid weight loss
*Decreased appetite
*Lower blood pressure, blood sugar, insulin, and cholesterol levels
*Intense increase in energy levels
*Reversed-aging effects
*No-more sugar cravings
*No-more hunger (as common in traditional diets)
*No-more joint pain
*Deeper sleeping patterns
*Ability to think more clearly
*Ability to handle emotions more effectively
*Heartburn relief
*Faster metabolism
*Whiter, healthier teeth and bones
The ketogenic diet has also been known to prevent and cure several common illnesses and diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, cancer, stroke, mitochondria, heart disease, diabetes, and severe migraines. No pills or medical treatments necessary – just delicious, wholesome food!
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Author Bio:
Meet Vanessa Olsen, proud author residing in Waterloo, Ontario with her affectionate cat, Nellie. She graduated from Ryerson’s prestigious School of Nursing in the spring of 2010 and now works as a sports nutritionist. As a child, Vanessa was known in her hometown of Gilford, Ontario for growing her own veggies in the backyard and captaining many different sports teams. It is no wonder she grew up to be the health nut she is while helping others with her health nut knowledge.
Her job requires patience and a lot of research. Every work day, Vanessa educates athletes on different areas of diet, nutrition, and exercise. Each athlete is very unique, having distinct lifestyles, eating habits, training schedules, medications and supplements. All these elements need to be taken into consideration before an applicable action plan can be put together to better their health and performance. In a typical work week, Vanessa works with up to 30 different athletic clients.
When Vanessa isn’t teaching athletes how to up their game, she can be found at the gym upping her own. Her protein powder collection is impressive – it’s usually the first thing she shows off when guests come to visit. This goes without saying that her favorite room in the house is the kitchen. She has a passion for creating and preparing her very own home-grown, nutritious recipes – many of which can be found throughout her books!