Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
This is my first (completed) book. Like so many others, I suspected that I had books in my future, but never have I ever gotten through an entire one. Articles, no problem, 60,000 words of an unfinished story, yep.
I am so grateful that the process in Work Pray Allow came through me. It was just the coaching I needed to get through the process. And I have since used the process for book marketing and promotion, brushing up on my French skills for an upcoming vacation, and the next step is something that I am excited to say meshes both of those things together!
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Work Pray Allow was inspired by a nagging search that I was on for decades. It was such a magical experience to me in my trainings to have that “Aha!” moment of realizing that I had my answers all along. I just needed to find the right proddings and exercises to unearth them. I had to share these keys. They will literally change our life!
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I’m not sure it is unusual, but my method is fast and furious. I recognize that I work better in a sprint than a marathon. Crisis, deadline, abrupt life change–these bring out all of my superpowers. But slow and steady kills my project every time.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I really enjoyed Ed Rush’s 21 Day Miracle, as it was the first book to give me the permission to write quickly. I think that Brooke Castillo’s Self Coaching 101 is a hidden gem. I am also loving the Medical Medium books.
What are you working on now?
Right now I have more promotion to do with Work Pray Allow. I held myself to a tight writing/editing/publishing deadline, so I am still learning to navigate the Amazon market. In the midst of all of this I did hit a bit of a road bump when a mosquito born illness made me surprisingly sick. A month later and I am living pretty normally again, but with medication and limitations. The process, however, has been a blessing in that it introduced me to the Medical Medium works. So a big part of my recovery has been eating really healthy, plant based meals, and it has gotten me deeply into gardening. I realize that most plant-based recipes are bland and unexciting. So I have been studying French cookbooks and creating plant-based versions that are absolutely delectable. I still cook a side of meat for my husband, so I can always recommend a protein to go with my recipes. But I think my next book will have a lot to do with this process.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
My website is There I have several Kundalini Yoga exercises–all breathwork based, nothing too challenging, and definitely nothing acrobatic! I also enjoy posting favorite quotes from Work Pray Allow on Twitter as @sacredfolk. On Instagram I share my garden and food journeys.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Know that you can do anything you want. Your writing/editing/publishing process does not need to look like anyone else’s. And definitely, definitely check out Dave Chesson, the founder, has some incredible resources and articles. I learned a lot from him.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
I think that would be Brooke Castillo’s framing of problems as impossible. I love this, because it is exactly what I did for five years with a leading Investment Bank. When you see something as an impossible challenge, and decide it must be achieved, you will see a way through it. I love taking problems and strategizing through them.
What are you reading now?
Truthfully, Work Pray Allow. I’m on one of my 21 day pushes right now, on day 11 now.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I would love to self publish a cookbook, and then write about that process. I love that many writers are talking about how to self publish books on Amazon, it really opens the door for many of us who may have thought it too big a goal. I think the cookbook market needs that as well. I mean, how many wonderful cooks do you know whose recipes you would love to have?
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Wow, great question. Definitely a Medical Medium book to teach me about which specific foods would be most beneficial for different ailments. Some type of foraging book so that I would know which plants I could eat, and which to propagate. And then I know, I sound narcissistic, but Work Pray Allow. I would need that to keep me motivated. Always moving forward. Never stagnating, getting bored.
Author Websites and Profiles
Kristen Nichols Website
Kristen Nichols Amazon Profile
Kristen Nichols’s Social Media Links
Twitter Account