Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m the author of three published novels, called the Acea Bishop Trilogy. Book one is Acea and the Animal Kingdom. Book two is Acea and the Seven Ancient Wonders. Book three is Acea and the Adventure Thru Time. They’re all available now in paperback and ebook formats. So, the entire trilogy is finished – no waiting to see how it ends!
I was inspired to write the series after volunteering to read books in my wife’s elementary classrooms. I wanted to write something that adults would actually enjoy reading just as much as kids.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Acea and the Adventure Thru Time is my most recent book – and it’s just recently been released! I couldn’t wait to write it – I’d had the idea for the ending of the trilogy since I began writing the first novel. It’s the perfect mixture of adventure, intrigue, action, and answers about both the plot and the characters. Readers will find out more about Vesuvius’s history and what made him so evil, while finding out how Acea’s war between wizards and sorcerers ends.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I tend to think about plot and character points at stoplights during my daily commute. I guess that’s kinda different. Another thing about my writing style is that I will not write during periods of “writers block.” I hear about some authors that say to just keep writing, but I can’t – if I’m not intrigued by what I’m writing then I can’t hope for my readers to be. This results in weeks or months of not making progress on a book, but when I get inspired it’s all I want to do. So it evens out in the end.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Growing up, I loved the Myst series that was written about the old computer game. Both the game and books were immersive, mysterious, and very well crafted. Now that my trilogy is complete, I can see how that series above any other book influence my writing in this series. Of course there’s other books and authors that intrigue me, but I’d say that the Myst series is at the forefront.
What are you working on now?
I’m taking a bit of a breather now that the Acea Bishop Trilogy is finally out – it took six years from beginning to end! But I have two very different ideas in my head for my next book. I’m not sure yet which one will end up winning to be my next novel, but both of them are different than the Acea Bishop Trilogy.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I love meeting readers in person! I usually attend Salt Lake Comic Con and Salt Lake FanX, and I’m always humbled by the readers that have discovered my novels on their own and come up to tell me their favorite parts.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t write for anyone other than yourself. If you’re not intrigued by what you write, then you cannot expect anyone else to be. And if no one else ever reads what you wrote, then you at least have something that you’re proud of.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Ever? Wow, that’s a hard one! Probably a friend who told me “You should marry her.” (I did.)
What are you reading now?
Nothing particularly, unfortunately. I usually try not to read other things while I’m planning my next novel, as I like it to be original instead of heavily inspired by – or mirroring – something else.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m just looking forward to promoting The Acea Bishop Trilogy now that it’s finally completed! I love hearing from readers about their favorite zoo room in the first book, if they loved or hated end of the second book, and if the ending to the series paid off as they’d hoped.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I’m just being honest here – the ones that are the thickest and burn easiest. If I’m stranded on a desert island, I’ve got some serious need for kindling. But seriously, I’d rather have blank books (and a pen/pencil) for me to write – if I was unable to write, I’d go more crazy than I would without being able to read!
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