Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Born and raised in southwestern Ohio, I’ve lived for the past 25 years on private land inside Daniel Boone National Forest. My household consists of my husband, four dogs, and two cats. All were rescues, even the husband (although he might say he rescued me)!
I’m now retired from the nine to five grind, but over the years I’ve paid the bills by being a dancer, bartender, police officer, registered nurse, and technical writer–plus a few other odd jobs mixed in. I’m a three-time graduate of Miami University of Ohio
I’ve written one mystery, Catch A Falling Star (An Eden Mystery), under the name Laurel Heidtman, and two romances, The Boy Next Door and The Wrong Kind of Man, under the name Lolli Powell.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is The Wrong Kind of Man. It’s a romantic intrigue. The intrigue part is inspired by the international news–and that’s all I’ll say about that. I don’t want to give out a spoiler. As for what inspired the romance element, that’s hard to say because I actually wrote the first draft of this book back in the nineties. I dragged it out of the file cabinet a few months back and reworked it.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Nope! I just sit down and do it whether I feel like it or not. It’s a mistake to wait for inspiration to strike–at least for me. I find that when I make myself start writing, the words start coming. Sometimes it feels like I’m channeling the characters and they’re telling me what to write.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I’d have to say that all the authors and books I have read have influenced me–even the ones I “read” before I knew how to read. My mother told me that, before I could read, I made up stories based on the pictures in books. I wanted to write fiction since I was about six years old and learned that some people actually did that for a job. Unfortunately I let life get in the way and only did it sporadically over the years–until now.
What are you working on now?
My first book, Catch A Falling Star (An Eden Mystery), is the first in a series set in a small college town in eastern Kentucky. I’m currently working on Bad Girls, the second book in that series.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’m still working on that, which is one of the reasons I’m doing this author interview. I’m also beginning to do signings and panels. Kentucky libraries are very receptive to supporting Kentucky authors. I didn’t realize that until a woman from our local county library called me last fall to arrange a November signing with three other authors. It was great and I sold some books. Since then, one of those authors and I have started calling other Kentucky libraries. So far I have two panels/signings scheduled for February, one book fair scheduled for May, and two other libraries who will do panels/signings in the spring (no definite dates yet). Kentucky has 120 counties and most of them have libraries, so I think my dance card will be full this year!
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Put your butt in the chair and write. When you’re not writing, read. Read books in your genre and read books about writing. And if you know or suspect your spelling, grammar, punctuation skills leave something to be desired, GET AN EDITOR!!! I can’t emphasize this enough!
Self-publishing is great because it’s given so many people a way to get their work out there, but the downside is that some people don’t learn the skills needed for their craft. If you were going to build a piece of furniture, you’d learn how to use power or hand tools, wouldn’t you? It’s no different with writing. You might have a great story to tell and be good at developing characters and controlling pacing, but if you don’t know how to handle the tools of grammar, spelling, etc., you’ll turn off your readers. I know not everyone starting out has the money to hire an editor, but at the very least find a friend or relative who is skilled at proofing. And use beta-readers (easy enough to find online at places like Goodreads). They can be great at spotting weaknesses in your characters and plot.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Thomas Edison said it best: “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Although writing doesn’t usually make one sweat, the idea still applies.
What are you reading now?
Everybody Takes the Money by indie writer, Diane Patterson. It’s the third in her Drusilla Thorne series and a great read.
What’s next for you as a writer?
More romances and more mysteries–and one day I might try yet another genre. Not for a while, though.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Green Mansions, The Lovely Bones, and the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. Okay, that’s five, but if I put them on an eReader . . .
Author Websites and Profiles
Laurel Heidtman Website
Laurel Heidtman Amazon Profile
Laurel Heidtman Author Profile on Smashwords
Laurel Heidtman’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Lovely interview.
I have only been to USA twice, and the first time, we visited the Daniel Boone forest. Wonder if our paths crossed, Laurel ๐