Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Just so you all know – I am an Indie author. I don’t enjoy the support of a publisher, their experienced editors, a PR firm, an advertising agency, a distribution network, and so on. As a solo author, I have to pay for all that support myself. Not an easy task to be both creative talent and business man.
Having said that, I am a man who prefers fantasy to reality. From the moment in my early childhood, when my mother told me to use my imagination in lieu of friends – my training as a fiction writer had begun. Unfortunately, it took until I was nearly out of college to actually embrace writing, and finish writing a novel. I’ve been working on various manuscripts ever since.
As of this interview, I have produced seven works: Thadius, Sawbones, The Lantern of Dern Blackhammer, The Last Atlantian Prince, In the World of Hyboria, Harrow’s Gate, and Tales of Mad Cows and Brothels – two novellas, and five novels.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The most recent publication is The Last Atlantian Prince – a story of brave warriors, dark magic, brutal battles, and cunning intrigue. As to what inspired the story – I’ve always loved sword and sorcery fantasy. I hold a special place in my heart for such tales, so when I get the chance to write a story about magic, dragons, demons, and great heroes, I do. Inspiration for me comes and goes, and it is often hard to determine exactly what is the source of the inspiration. Sometimes, it is music, other times it’s images, and other times it’s just a random thoughts that spark the beginning of a story.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I can’t say that I do. My writing habits are as dull as dishwater. For the most part, on weekends, I’ll wake – have breakfast, drink my coffee, then adjourn up stairs to my office where I’ll sit and dissolve into the world that my characters inhabit. There, I merely write down what I imagine is happening with, to, and for my creations.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
What authors or books have influenced me? As far as authors – I can’t pick just one. In science fiction I love Dan Simons, Larry Niven, and Philip K. Dick. In fantasy I am a fan of J.R.R. Tolkien, and Robert E. Howard. For the classics I love Homer, and Dante Alighieri, John Milton, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, as well as the great Louis Carol.
Regarding books – The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien; The Ringworld by Larry Niven; The Alienist by Caleb Carr; Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury; Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card; Various stories of Conan the Barbarian by Robert E. Howard; And, Breed to Come by Andre Norton.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on two manuscripts at the moment. One is the sequel to The Lantern of Dern Blackhammer. The working title is, The White King of Moore.
Second, is the first in a series of stories that take place in a parallel universes. I’ve got a working title, but I’m not ready to put it out to the public yet.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Promoting is no easy task. I have a Facebook account, and a Twitter account, as well as a web site But, just having blogs or a web presence is not enough. So, there is no one “best” method I’ve found.
If one wants to be successful, an indie author must engage a promotional service. They are not cheap. Having said that, they are a must if you want to get the word out. Also, I’ve used a press-wire service for press releases, and have attended writers conferences.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
From my personal experience – 1) Don’t write a story because you think you’re going to sell it to a publisher and make millions. Write because the story must be told – that your message must be heard; 2) Get, and hold onto a great editor; 3) Write a beginning, middle, and ending – then go back and shape the work; 4) Never stop living your dream.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
When I was quite a bit younger, I was struggling to comple a number of stories I was writing. I’d get going with high spirits, write for hours shaping the beginning, then stall. It was frustrating. Then, an author told me this – [paraphrasing] Always write based on three acts – beginning, middle, and end. Also, remember, if you write just one page a day, at the end of a year, you’ll have 360 pages of a manuscript.
This advice allowed me to break down my writing into workable chunks, and took the pressure off of me about how much I needed to produce in a day. Suddenly, writing became a pleasure, and not a chore.
What are you reading now?
This is a funny question. I get it – in the past most authors are reading other authors works, finding inspiration, and so on. In the world of today, with billions of stories, and a incomprehensible amount of information out there on and over the Internet – I read all the time. But, at present, I’m not reading any particular author’s works. After editing and re-writing my own work hundreds of times prior to publication – I get a bit burnt out and tend to take a break from novel reading. So, as of today – I’m on a reading timeout.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I’d like to say nude jet skiing in the Caribbean, but I don’ t see that happening any time soon. As I said before, I’m working on two new projects. I’d like to attend some conventions and conferences this coming year (2019), but that remains to be seen. As always, I continue to promote my brand, and works, and jot down ideas for future projects.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
First, I’d take How to Survive on a Desert Island by Jim Pipe. Then, I’d have some leisure stuff like The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, and Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. Lastly, I’d bring Siddhartha by Herman Hesse – for spiritual reasons.
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