Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
II am part of the co-writing team, PHOENIX, writing speculative fiction that has a light tough. We have published two novels and one short story and are just a couple of old fogies who love to write.
Wait. That’s not right. An old fogey is defined as a very conservative, outdated person. We’ re anything but that. Our Muse has begged us to break the shackles of genre and let our imaginations run FREE, to write entertaining stories that let readers escape into unique places.
So our tales defy strict category and may contain a mix of genre, such as fantasy, romance, science fiction, action and adventure, mystery and even some occult. Most of them take place in our real world but bend reality.
Why? Because normal reality is boring.
So we have rebelled. We have been told that authors who do not fit into pigeon holes are hard to find on the virtual book shelf. But you found us, and we hope you join our fans.
We live in Hollywood, but we don’t spend much time in the wonderful California sunshine. Instead we are maniacs who sit in front of our computer screens, weaving tales we hope you will enjoy.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
We have written A WHISPER FROM EDEN: A Visionary Saga Spanning Time and Space, an American Indian Tribe Being Influenced by Two Ancient Societies from Another Galaxy; LEON’S LAIR, A Paranormal Thriller; and MY BELOVED GHOST IN THE AMAZON, a short story based on the book Green Mansions by William Henry Hudson. I loved, loved this book, written in 1904 and a bestseller after its reissue a dozen years later. Green Mansions offers its readers a poignant meditation on the loss of wilderness, the dream of a return to nature, and the bitter reality of the encounter between savage and civilized man. Our version takes place in modern day and has a very different ending.
The inspiration for A Whisper from Eden was weird. I wanted to write something, but had no idea what. So I put my fingers on the keys. I wrote, “The young boy walked into the general story carrying a pail of water. A shot rang out and the boy slid across the floor. He lay in a pool of blood. Well, why? And What if? From there the story came to life.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I guess the most unusual thing is working with a co-writer. Gary Jordan is also my husband. That can be tricky.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
We read everything. We have favorites for each of the genres and take inspiration in different ways. For instance, we love Michael Connelly for police detective mysteries and love the very tight writing and pacing, or Tolkien for suspense and drama, wonderful world building, and interesting characters.
What are you working on now?
At the moment, we have first drafts for SHAKTI AND THE PRINCE, Enslavement of a Planet, TAKE ME WITH YOU, MY LOVE, A Time Travel Fantasy, and RANDOM AMUSEMENTS, Series #1, which is a collection of flash fiction and shorts stories.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Probably Facebook.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
I would say to just write. Then write. And write some more. The more you write, and re-write, the better you get and is the way to best way to master the craft. The other is the read, and read and read.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
James A Michener said he is a terrible writer, but a fantastic re-writer. Most of what I first put down on a page is terrible, and just a jumble of ideas. From there re-write and rearrange until find what I really wanted to say and polish until I like it.
What are you reading now?
We read so much. Right now, I’m about finished with a interesting book called Man of Legends by Kenneth Johnson. It is a mix of adventure, suspense, romance, and supernatural mystery. I cannot resist Amazon advertisements that come on my Kindle Fire. This one was a pleasant surprise as the writing is fabulous.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Finishing the two novels we have been working on and publishing those along with the short story collection. Then a science fiction series and writing more short stories and flash fiction for our website, which we will eventually put together in a second collection for publication
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
1) Lord of the Rings, 2) Clan of the Cave Bear, 3) a Michael Connelly novel, and 4) First Contact (In Her Name, Book 1) by Michael Hicks, the first of a fabulous science fiction thriller series. I chose these because I would be able to stay immersed, while marveling and savoring the fantastic stories and the writing styles.
Author Websites and Profiles
Lee Jordan Website
Lee Jordan Amazon Profile
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