Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Hi! My name is Lesa (sounds like Lisa). I’ve written a handful of short stories (two of which won contests, and are now featured in published anthologies), one (unpublished) novel, some skits and plays, poetry, and over 30 songs. Suffice it to say I love variety!:)
I’m loving life, and living my dream as an Indie Author, making writer and reader friends along the way.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
I just released my first publication, book one of my Operation Space Cats series. This series is about a team of lovable space cats which kid’s and parents can enjoy together.
I saw a contest and wrote my entry for it. Operation Space Cats, The Rescue Mission was the result. I entered my story, and it was one of the winners.
After it was published in the Space Kitties Anthology I decided to turn it into a series, so I made some changes reflecting that, and now it’s book one in my series.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I write at random. In between social media posts, critiquing or beta reading for others, and of course all that goes along with what’s going on here at home in the ‘real world’.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I love Children’s books! Little House on the Prairie was my favorite. I think that’s why I’ve always wanted to write historical fiction.
Amelia Bedelia is another favorite. Her silliness is contagious. I still smile when I read them. I think these stories are one of the reasons I’m inspired to write books for kids.
The Giver is great. The Hiding Place will always stay with me. So many, too many books to list, lol.
What are you working on now?
I have three projects going on right now. I’m currently writing book four of Operation Space Cats, Sky, book two of a spec fic series, and book one of a historical romance series.
Whatever genre I set out to write, I generally write Inspirational feel-good fiction. I’m looking forward to writing and publishing many more stories & tales!:)
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’m pretty new to publishing and promoting my work. But one thing I’ve started doing is networking with other writers via FB groups and on other forms of social media. That’s how I learned about this great site!
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Three things- And these are all things I’ve done.
1) I’d tell them to get connected. Other writers are your best friends. No one can relate to your writing and your writing journey more than your fellow writers. Join writing groups on social media like facebook and goodreads. Admit you’re a newbie and ask for advice.
2) Write, but don’t write aimlessly. Invest in some good books on writing, take a seminar, and follow good blogs on writing. You have the desire to write, now do all you can to learn your craft. All workman must study their craft to show themselves approved.
3) Join a critique group, at least one. You want to get as many eyes on your work as possible. Make sure to critique others too. This is one of the best ways to learn how to write. Really, it works.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
As long as you’re alive, you’re learning. So keep on learning …
What are you reading now?
Anymore, I’m reading books put out by other Indie Authors. They have my full support, and I enjoy a lot of their work.
What’s next for you as a writer?
More publications- hopefully, four to five over the course of the next year. That’s a lofty goal, but I mainly stick to short stories and novellas.
I also hope to expand on my Operation Space Cats series. Add a coloring book to the line.
And I want to continue to grow as a writer and in my marketing skills.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Bible, and three of my own, but that’s hard because they are series. And you can’t break up a series, right? So I would take my Operation Space Cats series, my Sky series, and my Bridal Falls series.
Am I allowed to write more while I’m there? Guess I could fashion a pencil out of bamboo …
Author Websites and Profiles
Lesa McKee Website
Lesa McKee Amazon Profile
Lesa McKee’s Social Media Links
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