Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m Lexie Syrah, a new erotica author who, like so many others, dreams of filling her days writing stories that make you crave release so badly that you’ll beg to be f***ed into oblivion. My Master is my husband, and I write my stories because he enjoys reading them so much. I live a Master/slave lifestyle that so many of my books are based on. BDSM is not a scene for me; it is my life. When people talk about things such as subspace and submission, I can relate to them, but I have more or less always lived in these states.
I’m a woman who loves a good cup of coffee anytime, day or night, an evening hike in the Green Belt around our Austin home, and secret love for silent films (A Trip to the Moon and Nosferatu are my favorites). I’ve spent entire weekends playing video games with Master, and other weekends, I’ve spent traveling around the country on spontaneous road trips. I’m free-spirited, and my favorite thing to do (other than Master, of course) is to see and experience new things. I love to enjoy every day, regardless of what it brings.
I have always been an avid reader and writer and have a special place in my heart for Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles. I had dreams as a child, long before I’d ever heard of vampires, of people just like Lestat, Armand, and Marius, and there’s a part of me that still has little hope that vampires are real, however, silly that may seem to others.
Master is a kind and gentle man until the wild animal inside of him comes out, and then he ravishes me without any concern other than his own. Being used like this puts me into a place of pure bliss, and I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. He is my world, and I am his.
When he told me that I should start writing stories for him, I started by sending him emails before he woke up with little fantasy scenes of what I wanted him to do to me, and he quickly replaced those fantasies with shocking realities that ended with me screaming in ecstasy. He started to critique my stories, saying that I wasn’t exploring enough of myself, and I began to reach deeper into my soul to find the parts of me that I hadn’t even known were there. I started writing stories that weren’t as simple, weren’t as easy to throw together in 20 minutes. They led to conversations and personal discovery as well as earth-shattering orgasms that he so kindly gave to me. These stories started to grow in length, and after they had begun to take multiple hours to write, he told me that I should investigate self-publishing, which has led me here.
I started to publish stories and had a very welcoming reception to the process. I talked to people who had read my stories, and they told me some of theirs. Because I love to experience new things, we, of course, tried to live out as many of these fantasies as we could and have created many wonderful memories in the process.
I am a very social girl and enjoy talking to new people. If you’re ever in the mood to say anything, please send me a message on Twitter, my email, or on my website.
Since publishing my first story, I’ve realized that this is what I was meant to do. All of my life, I’ve wondered how I would ever have a lifestyle that revolved around my primal need for sexual indulgence, and writing erotica and dark, steamy real-life romance has given me that chance. So, here I am, a slave that’s reality has become far more perfect than she could have ever dreamed!
I have published 1 novel, 1 novella, and 34 short stories and collections of short stories.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Torn (Shattered Lives Vol 1) was inspired by the song Angel by Theory of a Deadman and recent life events.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I always sing karaoke on (you can see my videos there!) before I start writing to get the emotions flowing.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Stephen King, Anne Rice, Anne Bishop, and Paulo Coelho are my biggest influences. Stephen King for writing style, Anne Rice for the ability to turn a book into an internal movie, Anne Bishop for writing romance than breaks boundaries, and Paulo Coelho for turning an idea into a story.
What are you working on now?
My current project is Wrath, the second part in the Shattered Lives series. I’ve very excited about it, and have already started the writing process. Expect to see it early in November!
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’m a huge twitter user, but I utilize nearly every type of social media. I love talking to people where ever they find me.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Do not listen to others. That’s the beauty of self-publishing. My covers are different. My voice is different. My stories blur the lines of every genre. My subtitle for Torn is A Dark BDSM Romance Novel, but it’s so much more than that (at least from what my reader feedback has been), and I’d never have been able to do that if I’d just followed the traditional genre advice and “beats” like all of the other romance books.
Write whatever it is that compels you. If I were to send my stories to publishers, they’d turn them down because they don’t fit the romance genre, or any other genre for that matter. I write the story as it’s supposed to be written. The characters aren’t just pieces on a storyboard, they’re living, breathing people that I reveal to you.
Do not start writing to make others happy. If it calls to you, it will probably call to someone else, and that’s what matters. You’ll never make everyone happy. I write explicit sexual scenes that would offend many people, but my readers understand that sex is an important part of life, and if I “faded to black”, they wouldn’t be able to see that part of the characters.
Write to make yourself whole and satisfied. My very first stories were self-exploration stories. I wanted to understand what lay behind the veil of my conscious mind, and though I wrote stories, there was always something hidden. After reading these stories, I could understand the emotions that had built up inside of me. Now that I write novels, I feel like the emotions are even more apparent to the readers. If you read Torn, you’ll understand.
Make yourself envious of your own self! I started Torn as a short story, just another sex-filled deviant exploration of my mind. Then it became a novella. Then it became a novel. When I reread it on my first edit, I realized how amazing the story had unfolded. At the beginning of the story, it had simply been another short story. But the story needed… no, that’s the wrong word. The story demanded that everything was told, and I ran with it. Now, I can’t believe that it was really me that wrote it!
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“Eat when it is time to eat. Move when it is time to move.”
Sometimes it’s hard to understand why you can’t just keep moving forward, but there is always a reason to do what is required when it is required. If you focus on what you’re not doing, it will only ruin the experience that you’re having at the moment. Every moment in life is beautiful, and all you have to do is stay right there without thinking about what happened yesterday or what will happen tomorrow.
What are you reading now?
I’m reading A Thing of Beauty by Bianca Schwarz. It’s the first historical romance I’ve read in a very long time, and I’m really enjoying it (when I actually get time to read!).
What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m finishing the Shattered Lives story, and then I’m shifting gears and moving to a darker series of books with a completely different focus. Shattered Lives is about love (as all romances are), but it’s about all of the emotions that go along with it. A relationship is built on love and trust, but just like steel, the only way to strengthen it is by thrusting it into the fire and forcing the impurities out without mercy. It’s about accepting and embracing ALL of a person without forcing them to be someone that they’re not. It’s about the core facets of BDSM: communication, completely trust, honesty, and the power that a submissive holds over their dominant.
This next series will be a look at life through the dark glasses of heartache and lost love. It’ll be about living life in the moment rather than the past without forgetting that every moment in your life has been beautiful when you live only in the moment. I’d written half of the first book before I finally decided to concentrate on Shattered Lives, but now that Torn has been published, I’ll be finishing this series before returning to the other.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Four journals to write in!
Author Websites and Profiles
Lexie Syrah Website
Lexie Syrah Amazon Profile
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I love your writing. I love the dark BDSM. I’m waiting for torn book 2 “wrath” to come out.