Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
My name is Lisa Marie Thomas.
I am a 26-year old mother of 2 children, aspiring business mogul, graphic designer, wife, former model, musician & songwriter.
I have also been in customer service for a few years, working from home to help provide for myself and my family.
I recently wrote and self-published my debut memoir, Turned Out .
This book was written as an original memoir of my life as a 23-year-old girl that survived human trafficking in Atlanta, Ga in 2016.
Turned Out is my only finished novel. I also have 2 additional novels in progress.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Turned Out was a story that was not easy for me to write.
I always thought that I would be in the entertainment industry as an artist or I would follow a more practical approach, with the degree that I am seeking in Information Technology. However, after returning to my hometown, I dealt with so many emotions that started to affect how I functioned as an adult.
After many times of talking with my mom and dad about subjects entirely unrelated, they would always find some way to tell me that I should write down the things that happened. They told me that I should tell my story because it could help other women.
Honestly, I was totally against it at first and then I realized that I was being selfish. My primary concern was everyone knowing things that were so sensitive and private. I didn’t want the world to see all of my scars. I didn’t want to keep reliving the hurt over and over again.
The nights that I couldn’t sleep, every night I cried alone and the nights that I had the same dreams over and over again; inspired me to start writing. The writing became therapy to me. At first, I was still contemplating the idea of a book, so I just started writing down my thoughts. It started with a letter to my children. That’s when I feel like God spoke to me.
One night, every fear that I had left and I thought about every girl that was in the same situation that I was in. I thought about every woman that was being abused and had no idea how to get away or even overcome the emotional trauma. I thought about every child watching their mother hurt and looking for a way out.
That’s when I decided to tell my entire story because I feel that every trial that I went through made me a better person. It made me a stronger person.
My writing became fluid and the closer I came to finishing my manuscript, I started to release many of the things that I had internalized. I started to let go of barriers that kept me from reaching my potential, from loving myself, and caused a depression that affected my parenting.
I had to decide that I was strong enough to keep going and I was going to give my kids a better life regardless.
That motivation alone, turned 800 words into a 277 page, 44,674-word manuscript.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I don’t have any unusual writing habits but I do have the ability to stay locked in on my craft for a very long period of time. We’re taking 12-13 hours at a time, if possible. I have to make myself take breaks from time to time so that I have time to spend with my family, as well.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I have been very inspired by J.K Rowling and her road to becoming an author.
She went through many obstacles but never gave up. When her husband gave up on her, she kept working on her dreams.
One of the most amazing parts of her story is her tenacity after denials from 12 different publishers. One day, she got the call that changed her life forever.
I am also inspired by the author couple Ashley & Jaquavis. They have an ability to tell stories in a captivating way that many people, especially African-American people, women, and people living in and on the outskirts of poverty could understand.
My husband and I both have very real and tumultuous stories that we are sharing with the world in an effort to create understanding and awareness of certain issues.
It is our personal goal to be able to reach our audience in those ways.
What are you working on now?
At this moment, I have a complete and copyrighted manuscript for Turned Out and I am seeking representation to propose consideration of distribution to publishing companies. I have completed the first professional draft for a movie trailer, using the adaptation of Turned Out.
I am also in the process of writing my second novel called When God Let Me Speak. It is a further exploration of my life experiences. This novel analyzes the power of perception and how it can lead to life or death.
The ending of Turned Out, is set up for a sequel titled, Turned Out, too. I am in the first stage of writing, as the story follows the pre-trial of the codefendant involved in the sex trafficking ring.
My novels are almost following live events, in my life. This allows the reader to walk the journey with me. Although there are many sad points in Turned Out, such as the contemplation of suicide, many points I would stay light-hearted and even make a few jokes.
I don’t want readers to just see this story as sad but I wanted them to see a story of growth, temperance, self-value, and triumph. I interact with my readers as if I was talking to myself because, in essence, I am.
My novel has taught me many things about myself that I was not able to understand, living in my own head and I just hope that it can help someone else.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I am currently experimenting with new ways to promote my books and I would be open to any advice or feedback from my peers. 🙂
Do you have any advice for new authors?
The advice that I would give to any new authors, is CONSTANTLY WORK ON YOUR CRAFT. Whether you have only written a book, whether you’ve self-published or done the marketing yourself.
This advice definitely comes from experience. I have personally handled every aspect of my novel from the writing, to designing the cover, publishing, and everything in-between. I can honestly say that it takes a tremendous amount of time, energy, and effort.
My brain is constantly thinking about the next step or what I can do to increase my sales. Many times, it’s easier to ask someone or just get an agent and that’s always a wonderful first-step but sometimes you have to think bigger and dive deeper.
You would be surprised at how much more equipped you are as an author, business owner, and brand when you understand and have mastered every part of what it takes to be successful.
SO no matter how boring it seems, or no matter how much other stuff you COULD BE doing. Prioritize your dreams, always and prepare for any upcoming opportunities; even if you couldn’t fathom them.
If you are truly serious about your work, take the time out to re-master and perfect it.
From my perspective, there is room for everyone’s art in the world but in order to be successful. You have to put in that extra magic that most people won’t.
That’s what will make your imprint on the world.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
There have been a few different pieces of my life that have had the biggest impact on me and those are:
”Practice Patience”
”Learn how to accept criticism”
”Listen more than you speak” ( I am honestly, still working on that one)
What are you reading now?
I am not currently reading any new novels due to the amount of promotional work needed for my current book.
However, the most recent book that I have read would be The Cartel 5 by Ashley & Jaquavis.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I have been recording over the past few weeks, in anticipation of my self-narrated & audiobook version of Turned Out.
I have just reached a sustainable agreement with Audible, Amazon, and Itunes regarding territory and exclusivity.
I am also happy to announce that The Turned Out Audio Doc will be released on the abovementioned platforms, in all countries as early as next month.
Recording the tracks for this version, was not as simple as I thought. In fact, it was much more difficult than writing the book itself. For me, writing a story is easier than talking through the pain. So, it’s taking a little longer than I thought to record through the chapters.
It’s mostly because I’m working on keeping my emotions slightly intact.
I would describe the e-book and print versions of my novel as honest and raw but not a literary masterpiece. For this book, the story came from my heart. I felt that I had to write it that way.
My goal is to share, encourage and inspire, not overwhelm with a version of this story that may be much more compelling. I want my audience to connect with me, on another level. I am hoping that the Audio Doc relays that.
From this experience, I am hoping to grow as a person and author.
Within the next few years, I plan to release my sequel and 2nd novel. I am hoping to gain speaking arrangements and build my voice to reach the people that may need me.
I am hoping to use my platform to reach other young women that are in domestic violence and/or human trafficking situations. I also plan to use my further experiences, mistakes, failures, and life lessons in future novels and memoirs to further the knowledge and growth of other young people.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Harry Potter – JK Rowling ( series if possible lol)
The Cartel – Ashley & JaQuavis ( series if possible lol)
Zoo – James Patterson
Author Websites and Profiles
Lisa Marie Thomas Website
Lisa Marie Thomas Amazon Profile