Step into the dark and tumultuous world of transgender individuals in Iran, as told through the poignant memoirs of Dr. Cohanzad. With a humane and intimate sensitivity, he shares the gripping stories of his patients – a father who murders his own child, a rape survivor who becomes a successful news anchor, a glamorous fashion model, and a high-powered executive all struggling with Gender Dysphoria. But most astonishing of all is the tangled tale of two transgenders who find love and marriage, while navigating the confusion and stigma of their identities. Amidst it all, a Mafia-like figure rises to power and a love story unfolds. This book captures the mystic dualism of good and evil, light and darkness, love and hate, peace and war in the lives of these individuals. For fans of powerful memoirs, this is a must-read.
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Author Bio:
Board Certified Urologist / Sex-Urologist
The University of Tehran /Faculty of medicine
University of San-Francisco /UCSF
Author (Sole-Author) of original Articles:
1-Extensive Metoidioplasty as a Technique
Capable of Creating …
ISSN 0364-216X
DOI 10.1007/s00266-015-0607-4)
2-Improvement Protocol in
Postoperative Management of Patients
Undergoing Metoidioplasty (Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
ISSN 0364-216X
DOI 10.1007/s00266-016-0700)
3-Eight-year follow-up on postoperative improvement protocol in extensive
metoidioplasty transgenders: A case series (ISSN 2096-6911)
Author of the Books (in Persian):
1-Pathophysiological interpretation of pain 1986
2- Gastro-intestinal Pathophysiology 1984
3-Outlines in Impotence 1993
4-Urology at a glance 1994
5-Psychological aspects of Impotence 1996
6-Therapeutic options for treatment of Impotence in Urology 1998
7-Purgatory of the body 2011
After over 30 years-experience in Sex-Reassignment Surgeries, Dr. In 2015, Dr. Cohanzad changed the standard technique of "Metoidioplasty" to "Extensive Metoidioplasty". After publishing it in the Aesthetic Plastic Journal, this modification gained international appreciation. He designed a highly effective protocol that improved the results of "Metoidioplasty" after surgery; which was also published in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in 20 16.
Shahryar Cohanzad is also an accomplished singer-song-writer-musician who has had the chance to perform his music on the stage facing hundreds of audiences, performed by over a 100-member orchestra.