Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Hello, I have written just one book but several screenplays that are being circulated. They all revolve around finding happiness in an unhappy world. They deal with conflict among ideologies as well as race and desertion. I grew up in a small town in Idaho where, at least on the surface, there were none of the topics that I am writing about in the screenplays, but there were many examples of what I write about in my book.
My grandpa was my best friend growing up. He was born in 1898 into a Mormon family which over a short period of time disintegrated. He ended up being raised by his brothers. He worked hard and met his future wife while working on a threshing crew in a little valley in Idaho. (This would make a great book/movie itself) He later purchased his father-in-laws farm and built a new house near where my grandmother had grown up. I tell all that to get to this. He taught me to pray. Not just in kneeling or folding my hands and saying some words, but to talk to God as if He were sitting in a chair in front of me. To first tell Him how grateful you are for the blessings you have and then asking for the wisdom to know what to ask for in prayer. It was then that I would ask for what I thought I needed. When I have stuck to the regimen I have fewer problems than when I just try to “wing it” in life. Another thing he taught was something he called eternal laws. The main one was tithing. He made sure I understood that I was to always give at least 10% of everything I earned back to God. I have tried hard to live up to his example and can honestly say I know that I have blessed way more than what I deserve by just giving back a fraction of what I have been given.
I have been married twice and had a total of 5 children, 3 girls, and 2 boys, who happened to be the youngest. The oldest son passed away 5 years ago. He was the bravest man I have ever met. It is his name that I use as my “pen name”.
I currently live in Nevada with my child bride of 24 years and our son who is now 19. When the time comes that I go to meet my grandpa I will be buried near him in Wyoming.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The name of my book is: “Stepping Stones: A Personal Guide to Your Life.” I chose this title after reading the stories that are compiled in the book. They tell how a wide variety of personalities have had things happen in their lives at just the right time. Sometimes even saving their lives. These are things that weren’t immediately recognized as anything special but in reviewing the situation it was seen there was an unseen force at play. It reminded me of coming to the edge of one of the creeks that ran through our property as a youngster. They were too wide to jump so I would look for stones or a log or something to allow me passage. Usually, it would be a granite stone that would be sticking up near enough to step on. Many times the water was flowing fast enough that the second and continuous stones couldn’t be seen until the next step had been taken. There were even times when a straight crossing couldn’t be made so it would be necessary to step to the side or even backward a bit to access a complete path. In the end the other side was reached.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I don’t know what would be called unusual. In my earlier life I owned a business that contracted to the Federal Government for IT projects. That required writing hundreds of pages on various IT topics. Some had to be written for techies but then another set was written for a lay person. They were usually the ones that signed the checks and who needed to know it was the right thing to do.
I try to write something as if it were the first time I would be reading it so it doesn’t become boring. In the screenplays, I become emotionally involved as it requires the writer to build something that will draw the audience in. This can be transferred to books but there is a considerable amount of “whittling” of the script required to put it in book form.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I read F. Scott Fitzgerald early on in high school but that didn’t last. My favorites today are still some of the classics like Ernest Hemingway. I really enjoy Tom Clancy, James Patterson, Bret Easton Ellis, and a little bit of Stephen King.
What are you working on now?
I am working on finishing another screenplay as well as researching a biography for a friend of mine.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Amazon and Kindlepreneur have been the most helpful to me so far.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Enjoy reading your writing. Put yourself in your characters shoes. It’s kind of like Little Red Riding Hood method. Sometimes they are very tight. Sometimes they are way too large and in yet another instance they are just right.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Believe in yourself and trust in God.
What are you reading now?
I am currently reading “The Chef”.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Get more publicity for my book.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
One from Tom Clancy, two from James Patterson, and the Bible.