Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Louisa Treyborac – – – Bibliographie ici – – – and bibliography below; french athoress seeking to write in both languages, english and french.
Enseignante en maternelle et polyglotte nourrie d’expatriation en Angleterre, au Danemark, en Haïti et en Suisse, héritière de trois générations de libraires-éditeurs, Louisa Treyborac poursuit la transmission d’histoires et porte en permanence des projets d’écriture pour petits et grands.
Chez Milan Presse, elle publie dans la revue “J’apprends à lire”: Le vélo de Bénéo et La course à la poule qui ont fait l’objet d’un rallye lecture en ligne ainsi que Le chewing-gum dont Milan Presse publie un dossier pédagogique pour enseignants de Cycle 2.
Ses romans sont soit fantasy angélique aux teintes thriller rural, comme TERRA CEVENOLA, paru en 2019 au Lys Bleu Éditions, soit des variations historiques de grands classiques, comme Agnes Grey à Hollywood (Anne Brontë) et Anne Elliot à Hollywood (Jane Austen), soit encore en fantasy burlesque Young Adult dont le premier tome de la série L’horripilant destin de l’aventureux Henri Petipoi sortira bientôt.
Elle publie en 2018 deux nouvelles policières humoristiques aux Éditions du Vénasque (Un oeil dans le potage). En 2014, elle était déjà primée et éditée avec six nouvelles dans des recueils collectifs, nouvelles parmi lesquelles “Le chien d’Emily” a paru dans le livre Drôles de Bêtes, issu du prix littéraire de Chalabre, et écrit sous un autre nom de plume.
Born in Paris in 1963, she is a preschool teacher. While living five years abroad in England, Denmark, Haïti and Switzerland, and also speaking five languages, she strongly feels being a heiress of three generations of booksellers-publishers plus artists. Obviously, she follows the family tradition transmitting stories and bearing writing projects of tales and novels for the youngest to the more mature spirits. She writes in French and will soon publish in english too.
With french publisher Milan Presse, she wrote three early readers sports and humour tales : Le vélo de Bénéo, Le chewing-gum and La course à la poule, linked to a national reading challenge.
She published six short stories including french publisher Éditions du Vénasque.
Son first angelic fantasy novel of bitlit genre, TERRA CEVENOLA, was released in 2019 at Le Lys Bleu Éditions publisher. More novels and tales are being written currently in both languages, including variations from the Brontë Sisters or Jane Austen.
Le chien d’Emily, a tale of Emily Brontë’s death as told by Keeper her Mastif is found in the Drôles de Bêtes book from Chalabre.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
TERRA CEVENOLA is both inspired by friends who buit a ranch in France to raise horses and donkeys as well as care for their son, a special needs autistic young adult. And the discovery of the CEVENNES area south of France, with its rich roughness and history.
TERRA CEVENOLA est né de l’exemple d’amis qui ont créé un ranch en France avec chevaux et ânes pour y vivre avec leurs enfants dont l’aîné, autiste. Et aussi, il faut mentionner la découverte de la région des Cévennes et sa richesse historique et culturelle, comme sa rudesse de terroir.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Each chapter has a name starting by a number followed by some meaningful link to the number.
Between each chapter of the novel, in TERRA CEVENOLA, the chapter “prime” which follows gives the other side of what’s going on as seen by angels and demons, or states what those creatures are about to do. My unusual creation is that you’ve got two books in one as you may read the ovel and later on the prime chapters. The concept is that you have a 2 in 1 book?
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Mary Webb, The three Brontë sisters, Jane Austen, JK Rowling, Lemony Snicket, the authors of the Bible, George Sand, Honoré de Balzac, Enid Blyton, Christelle Dabos, Yasmina Khadra, RR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Sarah E Ladd, Roald Dahl, Marcel Aymé, Alain Monnier, Elizabeth Gaskell, Elizabeth Goudge.
What are you working on now?
A Persuasion from Jane Austen variation in time and settings. Surprise !
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Instagram relaying Youtube and Facebook mostly, and also blogs, Twitter
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Be inspired, explore new fields and get a thorough training to improve all the time. And make time work for you as it takes time to get through it all.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Write the book that doesn’t exist yet, but what you’ve been dreaming about…
What are you reading now?
Both fantasy books and sweet historical romances.
What’s next for you as a writer?
A young adult fantasy is currently seeking a publisher while I write a medieval
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Bible
Anne Brontë : The tenant of Wildfell Hall
Mary Webb : Sarn … and … Gone to earth
Author Websites and Profiles
Louisa Treyborac Website
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