Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I have been publishing short stories for the last ten years and have gradually taken to writing longer pieces. I currently have two books in print, one of which is a collection of short stories and my first full-length book, The Blue Jackets.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My newest book is The Blue Jackets, a Young Adult adventure. The book was inspired by both the Chris Claremont run on the X-Men comic books and my time spent in a Neurological Rehab Hospital following my diagnosis of MS. Some of the other patients were living superheroes.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I tend to write late at night and procrastinate a lot. My output is much lower than I would like because of that! I must have music playing too, preferably something instrumental so I don’t start typing the lyrics I am listening to.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
For my books like The Blue Jackets I draw influence from the aforementioned Chris Claremont. My horror writing is inspired by the likes of Stephen King, early Clive Barker, and Dean Koontz.
What are you working on now?
I am currently working on the second Blue Jackets book, The Echo Committee, and another (as yet unnamed) collection of horror shorts.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I am learning how to promote and taking baby-steps towards being accomplished in marketing. Awesome Gang has been a great aid in that respect.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write. Write. Write. Some of my earliest pieces make me wince when I read them back but I would never created anything I am proud of without those misguided first attempts.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“The first draft of everything is sh*t.” Never a truer word spoken.
What are you reading now?
I am trying to clear my to-be-read pile. I am currently about a dozen pages into ‘When I Was You’ by Minka Kent.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I have two more Blue Jackets books plotted in my head and a dystopian future story growing in the back of my head somewhere.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Only 3 or 4? Wow. Hard choice. I would have to include ‘The Stand’ by Stephen King as it contains the most frightening chapter I have ever read and it’s only a couple of pages in a hefty tome. ‘Odd Thomas’ by Dean Koontz is another must-have, it remains the only book to have made me cry.
Author Websites and Profiles
M Leon Smith Website
M Leon Smith Amazon Profile
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