Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m a creativity lover, I’ve always loved all things art. It started in high school with art and photography and drama, and grew from there into a love of writing. Writing was the easiest way to express what I thought and felt strongly about without, you know, talking.
I’ve only published one book, but there are three additional books (from 42,000 words to 70,000 words) that are in various editing stages right now. I hope to publish them all within the next year.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
What Lies in a Dream, came, literally, from a dream. I woke up, at 3:08 am on June 22nd, with the weirdest dream I’d ever had. I couldn’t get back to sleep so I finally got up and just wrote the thing down.
I wrote and completed the book within three months, and haven’t stopped since.
It’s a great story, focused on finding family and trust, and also beating a ton of bad guys with your telepathic powers. You know, the usual.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Not that I think are unusual, but I guess it’s kind of a compulsion? I think that’s pretty common, but I frequently wake up in the middle of the night to write down a scene- I’ve got stories all over the house, some that don’t even have a place in any of my books or works-in-progress. I just write what inspires me, which means it takes a lot of discipline to finish anything. I’m still working on that part.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Stephen King, Suzanne Collins, JK Rowling, of course. I also love Jane Austen, as she has such an interesting look into the human mind. You have to love William Goldsman of the Princess Bride, just because of his unique perspective. C.S. Lewis because I read the Screwtape Letters in high school, and it blew my mind. You have to love Stephanie Meyers and her ability to make you sympathize with an angsty vampire and his whiny girlfriend. I have a ton of guilty pleasure reads- pretty much anything anyone hated I’ve probably read out of sheer curiosity. Way too many to fit into this tiny square. Oh, and I wish I could read George R. R. Martin, but he kills everyone! It’s hard for a die-hard happily-ever-afterer to deal with.
What are you working on now?
I’m currently editing the second book in my Parallel Ends Series, What Lies in the Forest. It’s a short read, 42, 000 words, and it’ll probably really confuse some readers about where it ties into the series, but I PROMISE it does.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Facebook or Amazon itself. I had some success with Facebook when I released What Lies in a Dream, but that was generated by my mostly excited family and friends. I’ve looked into different promotion sites, like Awesome Gang as I’m working on generating some long-term interest.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Jump off the bridge with the rest of us crazies! No really, it’s about being true to your own interests, I think. You can write a book you think everyone else will like, and ultimately be unhappy with it, or you can write a book you like and…. be a little less unhappy with it. But that striving for better is what makes a great writer and a great human!
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
I’m trying to think of all those inspiring quotes you read on Pinterest when you’re in the midst of a mental breakdown somewhere between the second and third edit…. but nothing is coming to me. So, I’ll just say this: “You fail only if you stop writing.” Ray Bradbury
What are you reading now?
My own work-in-progress. Hah! But really I’m reading through a Fantasy compilation my husband bought me for our anniversary. It has Lovecraft (his favorite) and Howard, Wells, MacDonald. All the classic fantasy writers.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Completed editing and publishing my next two in the Parallel Ends Series, What Lies in the Forest, and What Lies in Time. Or possibly What Lies in Solitude. Could be any of those. Depends on my final timeline.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Pride and Prejudice. The Princess Bride. Book Two in the One Series by Nora Roberts. And a pick from my husband, because he’s always the best a surprises.
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