Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am 26 years-old and have always loved to write. I have written one book so far, Escorting Mr. Colburn, and am currently working on a spooky mystery. It should be out just in time for fall and Halloween ๐ I also love to write poetry. I’ve actually written poetry longer than I have novels. It wasn’t until the last few years that I decided to start writing novels. One thing that held me back was myself. I didn’t think I could actually do it and was afraid of what people would think. Now, I write because it makes me happy. The people I connect with and the events I get to experience because of it are a great plus!
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
I’ve had the story Escorting Mr. Colburn in my mind for a few years, I just never had the courage to actually write and publish it. What pushed me to finish it and publish it was actually an ironic experience. I read a book I was very displeased with. This book was boring, to me, and I had to force myself to read it. So I thought to myself, if they can publish a book that I didn’t like, maybe I can publish I would like. And then, maybe other people would like it too, and they do! I never expected this much support from family, friends, and people I’ve never met before. It’s such an amazing feeling.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I write in the mornings. That’s when my creativity is at its best. Surprisingly, I can write well even with my kids running around, getting into everything, and making a lot of noise. So, I’ve found that it’s hard to concentrate in absolute silence. That’s probably because it’s never silent in my home.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I absolutely love Jodi Picoult and the way she can tell a story. I love the way Nicholas Sparks makes me feel. I love the imagery of W.M. Paul Young. Danielle Steele and James Patterson are other favorites. Some older influences I enjoy are Southern Gothic as told by William Faulkner, Emily Dickinson’s poems, the dark elements of Edgar Allen Poe, and Flannery O’Connor.
What are you working on now?
Nora From the Hollow. I’m going to release it around October. It will fill the mystery, spooky craving I get around this time of year with Halloween just around the corner. Nora’s husband has just been murdered and everyone in Hollow Springs is pointing their fingers at her. With the help of the Sheriff’s deputy, she will untangle the web of lies that will lead to the perpetrator.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Facebook. I love to write about my books on Facebook because that’s where I feel closest with my audience. And, I truly believe they feel close to me! I love getting feedback directly through them and definitely encourage them to leave honest reviews. I believe constructive criticism is the best way to always work on yourself and become better with each attempt!
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Go for it! If I knew back then, what I know now, I wouldn’t have waited so long to publish. I could have had multiple books out by now! But, I also believe that everything comes to you in the right time. Go with your gut and do what you love. Because if you love it, you’ll never work a day in your life<3
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
A quote I read in a magazine by Martina McBride. She was asked to give advice to her 20 something self. She replied, “Oh! There’s so much! A few off the top of my head. It’s okay to say no, and you don’t always have to explain why. If you meet 3 assholes before noon, there’s a good chance you’re the asshole. Your 20’s are for figuring out what you want to do as well as what you don’t. Don’t be afraid of having no money and feeling like you’re never going to make it. Lastly, you’re stronger than you think you are.” <3
What are you reading now?
Eve by W.M. Paul Young. The imagery is amazing. I could stay inside his books forever.
What’s next for you as a writer?
I am working on my second book and am setting up book signing opportunities. I am my own agent right now, which is quite time consuming, but I’m so humbled and excited. I like having control over what I do and what I don’t do. I also like knowing that it’s up to me to get myself where I want to go. I’m climbing the stairs to success and I don’t plan on stopping! Oh, and I’m signing up for a GoodReads account as we speak!
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Definitely something by Nicole Apelian. She has starred on two seasons of Alone and has survived very well! I definitely want to know what I can and cannot eat! Next, I would bring the Bible. I could learn a great deal from those who were stranded and alone. It would give me faith that the Lord would pull through for me too! And, I wouldn’t have to have a Wilson volleyball ๐ Lastly, I would bring an astronomy book. If I could identify the stars above, I could find out where I am and make my way back home <3
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Marlena Owens Website
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