Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a regular person who loves writing, fiction and non-fiction. I spent my life striving to become an author that readers love-I believe this is going in that direction. I use to write poetry often and with this came request from various people seeking a peaceful remembrance for their loved one and so on. As the years commenced so have my skills, securing the gold seal readers’ choice – for both Perçu and Sadana 999 in 2016.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
This is a series-God Answered Me: True Story and God Answered Me: True Story Chapter One. Chapter two I am working on at this time. I am glad you asked this question because it has a fascinating answer. Years ago, back in 1992, I decided to write a biography, the completed novel was over six hundred pages. I worked at it night and day. In my head, there was a need to reveal the smallest of details of this awful world of abuse I endured. Being my first full-length novel, I looked for a proofreader/editor and sent my book along with its direction. Yet, a few weeks after the record was brought back with a letter attached. Obviously, this person did not think one good thought of my script, stating throughout the letter was discouraging statements, such as, ‘this is not credible, and no one is going to trust you on this. Are you hanging out dirty laundry? Kids often experience matters otherwise than an adult. These incidents could not have happened as you see them!’
That was a real kick in the ass. I pitched this book aside and never tried to rewrite my life until the year 2004 and then once more in 2008. Alas, I thought what the hell, leave it alone, and due to the fact I had considered for years growing up my life was normal. Until I discover for myself that life was far from normal. Life continued, and my memories started to bother me in my forties and really annoy me in my fifties. Not only to give myself peace and my siblings who are gone, their peace. I am moving forward, also delivering chapters of their life, releasing the stories of abuse that stole years of their lives away.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I have no clue if leaving paper and pens in every room is unusual, I feel it’s a good thing to have around. Ideas and thoughts can slip by so quickly. Especially if those ideas are for a new book.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
I happen to love Jackie Kennedy: The Biography along with Alexander Hamilton, a New York Times Bestseller. Biographies in general are good with me. Then there is – The Evil Inside by Richard Raven, excellent writer. Other favorite authors are D.J. Doyle-Red: An Extreme Horror Novelette. Angel Ramon-Angel’s Nightmare Adventure. Robert Hunt- Jasper: and the Shelter of Angels.Eva Xanthopoulos-The Escapist: Sought After Blood Lines Book 1. Then we have Gary Starta-The Killing Collective: A Stanford Carter Murder Mystery Thriller. I will read anything from mathematics to human anatomy.
What are you working on now?
I am working away on Chapter Two of God Answered Me, including a crime novel.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I use as many book clubs as possible. Twitter, Facebook and Goodreads. Including radio, interviews and of course author interviews and
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Be patient and prepare yourself to work, and work hard with marketing their books.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
There are no rules of writing a book.
What are you reading now?
I prefer not to read another’s books while I am working on my own.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Maybe write movie scripts. Life can change in an instant, have to wait and see.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
My own books, to remind me how hard I strived and through near death, I survived.
Author Websites and Profiles
Marsha L Ceniceros Website
Marsha L Ceniceros Amazon Profile
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I have read this authers books and I was realy swept up in the stories. I suggest everyone to read these books, they will not be disappointed.