Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
My name is Mary Schmidt and I write under the pen names of S. Jackson & A. Raymond. We have published twelve books thus far and another due out in November. S. Jackson is a retired registered nurse; a member of the Catholic Church, and has taught kindergarten Catechism; she has worked in various capacities for The American Cancer Society, March of Dimes, Cub and Boy Scouts, (son,
Noah, is an Eagle Scout), and sponsored trips for high school children music. She loves all forms of art but mostly focuses on the visual arts; as amateur photography, traditional, and graphic art as her disabilities allow. More recently, she loves to devote precious time with her first grandson, Austin.
A. Raymond is a member of the Catholic Church, and has helped his wife with The American Cancer Society, March of Dimes, Cub and Boy Scouts, and sponsored children alongside his wife on music trips. He devotes his spare time to fishing, reading, playing poker, Jeeping, and travel adventures with his wife.
Somewhere in my fifth grade school year, I wrote a play for three friends and myself, all on my own for a school assignment. In reflection, it seems really hilarious now. My ‘co-writers’ were quite glad when I volunteered to write the play by myself (how little did I know at the time). Picture in your mind a young girl about nine years old, using an old manual typewriter, not knowing how to type, and using old style carbon paper between layers of white paper. That was a recipe for disaster in 1969. Needless to say I had many errors and with carbon paper the copies underneath were even worse. We performed our skit and so many laughed at our pathetic yet humorous play. I wrote short stories growing up and kept journals, however books were really my thing. It seemed like every time I turned around I was obtaining a new library card due to the current one being stamped complete. Diving into a good book made any day perfect and you would be surprised at the number of books I read over and over. I drew paper dolls and clothing for them, and using watercolor as my medium when painting scenes, especially flowers. I continued with art in high school exploring a wide variety of arts and I loved it! The creative side of me loves to be an amateur “shutter-bug” and we actually have an online art gallery. In college I went into the sciences of all things and received a Bachelor’s degree in the Science of Nursing. My nursing career was highly successful and I hung up my nursing hat in December 2012.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
In Shadow and Friends European Vacation, a small dog named Shadow wins a free trip to Europe because of all of her books that teach children safety at home, and during adventures. Shadow is allowed to take five friends with her on this fabulous trip, and she chooses to take five squirrel friends. In this delightful and funny book for children, safety is taught through the hilarious antics of
her friends. Throughout this story of teaching children about historical areas and places in Europe, squirrel antics keep children entertained, and safety is learned. Targeted at ages 4-11, this book is easy to read and perfect for home or classroom. This story illustrates a few of Europe’s fascinating features
with illustrations for children and adults. Of all things, National Lampoons inspired part of this fourth book in a children’s series.
“Shadow and Friends European Vacation” is a cute and hilarious book for those with children of all ages, and certainly hits age target range of 4–11. I laughed right along with my grandchildren as I read this funny story to them. No one would ever expect to see a squirrel zip-line down from the observation deck of the Eiffel tower, let alone four squirrels! Shadow certainly taught the squirrels and children about safety after that escapade, amid lots of laughter. Jackson managed to keep this learning story fun while teaching at the same time and keeping my grandchildren captivated throughout. This book is perfect for home, schools, and libraries. I highly recommend this book.
~ Susan Vance
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Not really, but I do derive inspiration in the most unlikely of places such as my shower. We love writing engaging funny learning stories for children.
Unusual – well, our memoir has three beginnings! My first book happens to be a memoir. Most definitely! In my memoir, I hope to help other’s in life in a variety of settings. I want to inspire battered/abused women to have the positivity, that enables them to get out of bad life situations. I want to empower parents to be advocates for their sick child. I want to help other parents who have lost a child/children that there is hope, that faith will waver, and that this kind of loss is the “King of Loss” and to take it minute by minute, day by day, as they rewrite the life they had planned when their child was alive. I want to spread what my five year old little boy knew about Jesus and Heaven! I want to spread what my five year old little boy knew about Jesus and Heaven! I want to help parents and educators to know how to speak to a student who has experienced this kind of loss, and I also want to give information to parents, educators, and the like, information on how to spot and help children who are being bullied, physically and emotionally abused, molested, or sexually abused, through learning about good touch/bad touch.
A couple days ago a nine year old boy committed suicide due to being bullied. This is a sad situation for children. Recently, we wrote a book about bullies. In The Big Cheese Festival, we meet Stubby Mouse and his family and friends. We learn that Stubby Mouse has a secret, that he is being bullied by another mouse, simply because his tail is short. Read how Stubby Mouse stood up for himself, and how he ended the bullying, in this delightful story for children. Targeted at ages 4-8, the book is easy to read and perfect for home or classroom. Children learn how bad bullying is, and what they can do to help stop bullies! Stubby Mouse encourages children to take a stand against bullies, and always be kind to each other. This story illustrates how everyone is different and unique, and it is a delightful read with cute illustrations for both children and adults. Take a stand against bullying today!
“The Big Cheese Festival” is a must read book for those with children of all ages, even though it is
geared towards ages 4–8. Children learn what bullying is, and how to take a stand to stop bullies.
This story is perfect for home, schools, and libraries, as it is so important that children be taught, and
learn, kindness towards others no matter how different someone is to them. Jackson has cleverly used both boy and girl mice, in a manner that gets the point across while keeping children captivated. I highly recommend this charming book. Susan Vance
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Susan Vance and Max Bear are wonderful story tellers and they are indie published.
Growing up I was all about Nancy Drew, Cherry Ames, Little House on the Prairie, Dr. Seuss, Dick and Jane primers, well the list is endless there as well. I adore Regency and Victorian era romances and sci-fi books. In my 20’s and 30’s I favored historical fictional romance from author greats such as Lisa Kleypas, Julia Quinn, and the like.
What are you working on now?
Nest up is the fifth book in our children’s series featuring one small dog and our backyard squirrels. They will be celebrating Christmas in Manhattan. Lots of fun with this story for sure.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Facebook, blogging, Twitter, and doing author interviews with fellow authors. I do have a publicist who handles Facebook for me.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write from your heart and just do it!
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
One bad review isn’t the end of your writing career. Don’t use friends or family to edit or proof your book; professionals are better in the long run.
What are you reading now?
Letting Go Into Perfect Love by Gwen Plano. I highly recommend this book.
What’s next for you as a writer?
We just finished a screenplay of our memoir. “When Angels Fly”, and we have three producers interested in it already. Sarah had a story that needed to be told, Eli had an amazing story to tell and it just needed to be done. Many tears flowed, and the days were hard, indeed, but really, this memoir was written so that others could be helped in so many different ways. In essence, “When Angels Fly” is a true story of survival fraught with tragedy that will hold your soul. In utter sadness, great hope and faith grows. This is the inspirational story about a woman who was able to rise above an extremely abusive childhood and later marriage, to learn faith, love, and motherhood from her own son’s courageous fight with cancer. It provides an illuminating example of how women who are in physically, mentally and emotionally abusive relationships can successfully escape even in the most challenging of times. It also warns of how the actions of medical professionals can be a soothing balm or a deadly arrow. The story draws the reader into the life of a mother and her wonderful little boy who is strong beyond his years and who leaves a lasting impression on all who knew him. This story is so powerful, and the messages can help many, so making a move will help more people.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
1. My Bible – I can read my bible over and over.
2. My memoir, When Angels Fly, as there are pictures of my children in it.
3. Robinson Crusoe as the inspiration for way to stay alive are useful, to say the least.
Author Websites and Profiles
Mary Schmidt Website
Mary Schmidt Amazon Profile
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