Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Two Books already in Series with Third for Release 02-22-2021.
Truth Seekers – Seek, Investigate & Verify. Seek & you shall Find!
About Master Yeshua
Master Yeshua & Messengers Planet Earth Project & brief Biography:
My Planet Earth Project & brief Biography:
What is God to do?
Extinguish all the insincere, disobedient and selfish beings or give them another chance; some further explanations and an example of “do as I do, not just as I say.”
Adam came to be that example; he fell. How could all those who followed his example not be given another chance? So then a Being is offered: a Son of man, but also Son of God, who follows all the laws as they are meant to be; who teaches; guides; but most importantly who lives a life without a transgression or a sin, being subject to the same laws as everybody else –to show it can be done with benefit to Self; to all; without detriment.
I had to prove that whatever I may ask for I am willing to give. I had to prove that death is transitory, if laws are followed sincerely and properly. I had to prove that if you are required to give yourself to God — God gives himself to you as a result. I had to prove that selfishness and sin will kill every possibility of salvation, even the very one that brings it — I did. Because the people followed sin instead of God they killed the Messenger of life everlasting. Because that which is everlasting cannot be killed, He rose again, and so can anybody else who chooses to follow that example.
Page 57 Yeshua Unveiled Books of Wisdom Prepare
Messengers Planet Earth Project & brief Biography:
Master Yeshua Said: My Way is more expansive and all encompassing, but not everybody seeks it. For some it is too much, and it is fine. They may never come into the Father, which does not mean they would not know God, or be it, or become it. As I have said, some aspects may be missed, but if they are not desired or requested, it is all right. If those who transcend desire more, they do come back to answer those needs, as Ariel has done, and you and David. Few do, of course, surprise, surprise, or not. Why should they, if they not desire? Most just move on and find some other means. Including personal in the equation — while it offers great rewards, it has many traps, as all of us discovered, and that appeals to very few, indeed.
Foreword – Twin Flames: A Step by Step into Self Realization
Master Yeshua Said: Be open to Divine at any time; be never open to mundane, no matter how attractive or appealing.
Deborah: As long as they are striving upwards and are progressing upwards, we shall be and are there at our mercy and shall provide what is required and earned, if we are good, at no detriment to ourselves, but may be just time spent. It is all about service after all and before all, or is it not? Of course it is, so let us not be selfish in our primal desire to liberate ourselves; although David will now interject his assessment.
David: It is much more Divine and Loving to provide Service from the “Space of One’s Liberation of Transcendence in Union & Merge with Source,” than from any unpredictable “Russian Roulette” of any human or otherwise embodied captivity. Striving for this Quest and attaining That is the Ultimate Step to Perpetual Happiness and Immortality.
Deborah & David: Let’s remember those striving to do the same; you were them just yesterday and help was there for you. You absolutely must return the effort and pass on the wisdom, for you are not the owner, but only a custodian of such. Those are the rules. So, our efforts now in this regard, is what we both have shared through the writings and teachings that are offered to those that seek it:
To be: A Shining Light upon A Road, A Path, A Way to fulfill Your Chosen Personal Quest for Union and Transcendence.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Twin Flames: Our Journey.
Spiritual Communion & Divine Revelations of That Union.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Communion in Full Awareness, by shifting between the Planes of Consciousness while recording the Communion.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
The Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, Buddhist Canons, Zen, Torah, Tanakh, Most Holy Books, Patanjali, Ramahana Maharshi. Greek Philosophers & so Many More. As Seekers , our passion is to investigate comprehensively everything we desire Truth about, until such Truth is Realized.
What are you working on now?
Compiling & Cataloging Much information & Revelations to share with those who Seek That Knowledge & Wisdom.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
In the process of experimenting & reaching out to as many as possible that are seeking this Wisdom in the Troubled Times.
Your heartfelt suggestions are welcomed, because this Knowledge is about Survival – Spiritual, Mental, Emotional & Physical. Contact Us HERE
if you have recommendations.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Follow Heart of Love & not the mind. Heart of Conscience not Analysis & Logic of mind. Love is the only Force that guides safely in gaunlet of mundane entrapment.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Love God & Love your neighbor as YOUR VERY OWN SELF.
What are you reading now?
The revealed knowledge to acquire as much Self Realization as is possible in the Here & Now.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Loving & Realizing & Sharing with all who desire to know THAT TRUTH.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Our 3 Published Books & The Revelations that we are in process of compiling.
Author Websites and Profiles
Master Yeshua & Messengers Website
Master Yeshua & Messengers Amazon Profile
Master Yeshua & Messengers’s Social Media Links
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