Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I live in Littleton, NH with her husband wonderful Corey and my cat Salem. My job as a licensed nursing assistant is very rewarding and gives me the opportunity learn every day. At birth I was diagnosed with a rare medical condition called FFU (Femur, Fibula, Ulna Dyspepsia); and dyslexia. I was born second oldest of seven children, was raised Amish until my mother got up the courage to leave my abusive father. My wonderful mother raised us alone and continued to home-school straight through high school. Having dyslexia meant that reading and writing were not easily subjects. But, my mother never gave up and cultivated in me a great imagination and love of literature. Mark Twain, J.K. Rowling, Tamora Pierce among others inspired me to start writing and to keep trying. It took years of hard work and dedication but, I found worlds and stories existed within me had never known. I have just finished and self-published my first book: Jaden’s Heart and I am currently working on the next instalment of the series: Jaden’s Choice. The journey to publication was filled with countless struggles but I learn every step of the way. I hopes to give someone the same joy and inspiration I was given.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
What inspired Jaden’s Heart? Well that question comes with a very strange answer. It came to me in a dream – No really – an actual dream. I went to bed and Jaden’s story was the dream. The amazing part was I remembered everything. When I woke up, I started writing, and continued writing for a whole year and three months. The weird part is every night scene I have dreamt the same dream each a different part of the whole story. It never leaves me just like a shadow it fallows me everywhere.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Every day I set aside time to write-mostly at night. Because I work night shift and I love the mysterious pull that the dark brings with it and the allure of the setting and rising sun. I get all my best ideas during the day when I’m sleeping and use that allure to help get my creative juices flowing. If I am truly inspired I will write about 2,000 – 4,000 words in one sitting. To stay inspired I love to daydream, read, watch movies and you guessed it – sleep.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Mark Twain, J.K. Rowling, Tamora Pierce, Jane Austen, Aaron Allston, Laura Ingalls Wilder, and Anne Rice only name a few. I have read every Star Wars book out there and every vampire book I could get my hands on. Anne Rice’s work is truly inspired.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on the next book in Jaden’s Journey. Book 2: Jaden’s Choice catches up to our heroin a year after the events in Book 1: Jaden’s Heart. It has been a hard year for Jaden. She has had to learn to use her new powers as a Seer and manage the Seventh House admits the constant threat of an unseen enemy and is army of ‘Crazed Immortal’. Despite everything going on around her, Jaden leaves her reluctant apprentice, Timothy, in charge and returns to London. However, her reunion with Alexis will be far from easy, as war wages around them.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I mostly use social media, word of mouth and I have my own website:
I also use bookmarks, flyers and book signings/readings. Mostly I’m just happy I wrote a book and published it.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
I would say don’t give up and don’t let anyone tell you its not good enough. Writing a book is hard work, it doesn’t matter whats it about. It takes dedication and determination. So when someone says something hurtful just laugh and say “have you ever wrote 90,000 words?” Then walk away will all your pride and dignity.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Writing is both a gift and an art. As a gift, it must be approached with humility: the writer is only the vessel through which inspiration flows. As an art, it must be approached with passion and discipline: a gift that’s never developed wasn’t worth the giving. – K.M. Weiland
What are you reading now?
I’m reading a few things right now, but I have put them on hold to read my book. The physical copy in my hands, fresh of the press smell. WOW!
Other books: Storming: A Dieselpunk Adventure-K.M. Weiland and Writing Deep Point Of View: Professional Techniques for Fiction Authors by Rayne Hall
What’s next for you as a writer?
Well I’m currently working on Jaden’s Choice and then I planning on writing the 3rd Book in the series: Jaden’s Journey. Book 3: Jaden’s Future will not be for a few years. After I don’t know. I will have to wait and see what dreams come to me.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The first one would be a notebook. Because then you can create your own adventure.
The second would be a dictionary, so you never run out of words to fill your imagination.
The third would be a thesaurus, so you can use your new words to produce a masterpiece.
The fourth book would be a desert survival manual. You cannot write if you are dead.
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