Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am an American Author best known for my series, “The Keystroke Killer.” I wrote my first novel in the seventh grade as an English assignment. What began as a short story, turned out to be a book. I haven’t stop writing with more than a dozen books to my credit, both fiction and non-fiction. I also have a series of adult coloring books called Abstract Faces Vols. 1-6.
I am an American Author best known for my series, “The Keystroke Killer.” I wrote my first novel in the seventh grade as an English assignment. What began as a short story, turned out to be a book. I haven’t stop writing with more than a dozen books to my credit, both fiction and non-fiction. I also have a series of adult coloring books called Abstract Faces Vols. 1-6.
I grew up a very small town called Emory, Texas and earned an Associates Degree from Kilgore Junior College, my B.S. Degree in education from the University of Texas at Tyler, my Master of Education degree from Stephen F. Austin and my PhD from New Orleans University.
I live in New Orleans, LA with my wonderful husband and two cats. We have three daughters who blessed us with eight grandchildren.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is THE KEYSTROKE KILLER: TRANSCENDENCE. About eight years ago, I wrote a short film which was produced. I had no idea at the time that people would become fans, but they did. Before I knew it, people were begging me to write the screenplay. So, I did. I wrote The Keystroke Killer, pilot screenplay, with the expectations of getting it produced. I had a serious setback with my health and basically shelved the idea. Then, during my recovery, I just started writing and before I knew it, I had sixty-seven episodes written for television. Whoa! I got a bite on it, got funding, then disaster, my funder died of a heart attack. So, I was back at square one. Then, I was encouraged to turn the screenplays into a novel series. THE KEYSTROKE KILLER: TRANSCENDENCE PART I covers the first thirteen screenplays or if it were a series, Season 1.
The entire inspiration for the book came as a result of that short film.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I’d say so, in fact my family and friends agree.
The first thing in the morning I make a large pot of coffee and begin writing. I usually begin with writing down the dream or dreams I had the night before as many of my scenes, screenplays and novels are come from my dreams or nightmares. In other words, I get it out of my system and shake it off.
From there, I write something for my blog even if I don’t intend on publishing it that day, at least I always have back-up content.
Then, I start either writing or editing my next novel. Now, here is where the unusual habits come raging through. Every time I get up to go to the bathroom, or to eat or get something to drink, I do some kind of chore around my house. It could be putting in a load of laundry, making the bed, sweeping or dusting. I do something not only, so my house can get cleaned but to use my muscles. I only do it about fifteen minutes at a time, sometimes, not even that. The goal is to do something and move. I find, that whatever I had just written, I think about it and develop it while I’m doing this which is a benefit because when I sit back down to write, I have clarity.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Ray Bradbury, James Patterson, Stephen King and John Grisham. The most impactful was the book “It,” need I say more?”
What are you working on now?
I am currently in the process of fine tuning my next novel NEVER STOP RUNNING. This book is based on a true story of one woman’s incredible journey. This is the mini synopsis -Waking up from an eight month coma, Jackie cannot remember anything about her life suffering from Retrograde amnesia. David, her husband, convinces her to seek the help of a hypnotherapist only to remember her past lives. Her journey is a mental time travel across the ages with a psychological twist. Based on a real-life story. A must read novel.
I am also writing at the same time my next novel A.D.A.M. which was inspired by the NASA finding by Dr. Felisa Wolfe-Simon of a microbe in Mono Lake, CA that thrives off arsenic. That’s the real part that inspired this novel. I took her scientific discovery to the science fiction level after I had a dream about it. Think about this book in terms of the movie THE SHAPE OF WATER. A.D.A.M. is an acronym that stands for Arsenic Driven Astrobiological Microbe.
Here is the short synopsis about it – Meet Dr. Sandra Eve Bradford, an astrobiological researcher in charge of the A.D.A.M. Extraction Team who discovered a microbe which thrives off of arsenic on the bottom of Mono Lake in California. General Anbar, Chief in Charge of the U.S. National Defense, orders his team to confiscate the samples and her research. Dr. Bradford enlists her fellow researchers, Dr. Greg Peterson, and her undergraduate assistant, Jessica Parker, to retrieve a new sample setting of a series of events and consequences. In a government research facility, the microbe transformed into something alien. Once it becomes apparent to General Anbar, the life form presents a national security risk, her orders his to kidnap Dr. Bradford and holds her captive in an underground facility to continue her research. The life form over a seven day stretch, morphs into a humanlike life form aging every moment toward death. His journey makes him question- What is life? What is love? What is hate? And, is there a God? This a story of possibilities and raises the questions-Are we alone in the universe? What else could be out there?
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I would have to say social media and consistency with your own marketing strategy which consists of my blog and my website. I also buy ads on Amazon and Goodreads. I found a wonderful book by Stephanie Chandler called THE NONFICTION BOOK MARKETING PLAN. It really gave me direct answers that I was looking for. I highly recommend it.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Boy do I. I’d have to say I’ve been there done that and made many mistakes with my first books. The first advice is to edit, edit and edit. Then, edit, edit and edit. Then edit once again. Next, send it to a copy editor. After you receive that back, edit, edit and edit and then send it to a line editor. I hope they get my point. New authors tend to rely on their friends and family to edit. That simply won’t work.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
I hope you are asking about writing. The best advice I received was not only about hiring a professional editor, but to use qualified Beta Readers.
What are you reading now?
I am reading an indie book author’s first draft assisting her in the right direction. I believe in authors helping authors, much like Awesome Gig. However, the last book I just read was from John Grisham.
What’s next for you as a writer?
My goal is to continue to write as long as I can for the rest of my life. I have several unsold screenplays that I will be converting into novels. I also hope to be a guest on other blog sites and do book tours. Then, take a cruise or two.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
That’s easy.
1. The Bible
2. A medical book
3. War and Peace because it is long.
4. The largest collection of science fiction short stories I could find.
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