Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Hi. I’m Meredith from Townsville, Australia. I am a Mum to 2 daughters and I also have 2 cats and a golden retriever. I have always loved to write, beginning as a young teenager way back in the 1970s when I wrote a science fiction novel. I have also written a book of poetry chronicling my journey through depression which I plan to publish shortly. My first published book is a Christian devotional style book of encouragement and healing. I also love to cook, read, travel and bushwalk.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is called “Hearing His Voice – Meeting Jesus in the Garden of Promise”. It is a devotional style book. What inspired it? Well, in 2016 I was going through a very challenging time in my life. I had just gone through a divorce and had to relocate to a larger city in order to access better services for my autistic daughter. This meant I had to leave my teaching job and become my daughter’s carer. My daughter became extremely unwell during this time with a mystery illness where she was bedridden for months. I found myself in a place of fear, feeling very alone and isolated. So I turned to Jesus and would communicate with Him multiple times in a day for comfort and strength during this difficult time. I wrote down what He would speak to me about and this book is the result.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Because caring for my autistic daughter is so full-on I write in “bits and pieces” – small amounts of time – whenever I can. I need plenty of water as I write! I write quickly and try not to think too much about what I’m writing. I trust the words that come out and then can go back and edit later. This process helps me be “in the zone” of what I want to write about.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
There are so many! I love to read books with depth and a strong message, especially “good triumphing over evil” type of books. Over the years I have been influenced by CS Lewis (the Narnia chronicles are my favourite) and also Stephen King (The Stand) and Marion Zimmer Bradley (The Mists of Avalon). I like descriptive and imaginative stories and Christian inspired books. As a Christian, it also goes without saying that I enjoy reading my Bible!
What are you working on now?
I am working on a book about my journey from being deeply involved in New Age philosophy to how I met Jesus and became a born-again Christian. I am also planning on self-publishing my poetry book.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I am only just learning about all of the promotional aspects so I don’t yet have a best method or website. I follow advice offered by fellow successful authors who have written e-books about launching and promoting. I am also hoping Awesomegang will prove to be a winner for me! I would also have to say Self-Publishing School ( was a fantastic resource for all aspects of writing through to publishing and launching my book.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
My advice would be to write what you know about, what you are passionate about and what gets those creative juices flowing. Write the stories you would want to read! Believe in yourself, believe you have a story to tell that the world needs to hear and reach out to others who have journeyed on the same path. In this digital world we live in there are so many fantastic resources available to self-publish your book and so you WILL see your book published if this is what your dream is.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“Everyone has a story to tell”
What are you reading now?
I am doing a lot of reading about launches – different books on Amazon by Ashley Emma, Mimi Emmanuel. I read my Bible every day.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Promoting my book and continuing to write books that help, inspire, encourage and bless others, as well as offering on-line courses and doing speaking engagements.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
This is just about an impossible question to answer!
I would take:
The Bible
Hearing His Voice – Meeting Jesus in the Garden of Promise (my book)
Letters to Renoir by Michelle L. Myers
Author Websites and Profiles
Meredith Swift Website
Meredith Swift Amazon Profile
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