Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m Italian, I was born in Buenos Aires. PhD in Social Communication at the Complutense University of Madrid, professor and author of books on various topics. I registered my name by a significant amount ISBNs of books with different publishers over time, from 1990, which was when I published my first book of poems “Versos encamotados”. The genres are educational, technical, design, as well as self-help, psychology, communication, and art: poetry, prose and stories. I learned all the possible ways of publishing and editing, something has changed and will continue to change with the advent of social networking and e-book. The forms of distribution and sales, and methods to present a book today are done through the network, with new forms and processes. The publishing world is complex, and there are many speculators.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
I have three latest books. The first is “Ontological Coaching”, which deals with the ontology of the people, as an individual development through emotions and thoughts and actions to take in every moment of life. A book with exercises, analysis and applications of concepts related to personal development, and inspired by my experience as a teacher, and classroom needs discovered or certain ways of expressing their emotions and attitudes of people. The second is a book of poems and paintings: “The remarkable lover” where poetry merges with the great paintings of the artist Ignacio Guerrero. Romantic and deep poems, which is developing an innovative way to talk about love and loving relationships. And the third “Existenciario”, which are thoughts and reflections on life itself and philosophy of life.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Usually an artist gets in creative state when the muses are presented born and creativity, and will depend on the need for expression and what I have to say that author. Sometimes I use the recorder and when I verses, concept or way of saying something on my mind appear, shaped with my voice, and then refined and modified as I analyzed. I learned to write anywhere, anytime, no limits for those who wish expressed by the lyrics. Go to unusual places, ancient sites, remote villages, or even listen unconventional music, little known and different genres and times can spark creativity and open windows to images and literary concepts. Writing are moments, emotions and thoughts that weave and gestate a fruit that will be a poem, an idea or an altruistic plan.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
In the fiction genre has greatly influenced Franz Kafka, I consider it an important author of this period. Also in poetry Walt Whitman, in self-help literature Ramtha, in philosophy Nietzsche, in education Raúl Verdú. No possibility to discover the literary world without going through our hands a considerable number of books.
What are you working on now?
I still do books of various genres, although I like “The quantum side of your life” which is a compendium of knowledge about the existence of life in the universe and an analysis of why we exist, always from an ontological perspective, scientist and humanist. Also “Interview with an alien” who is on tracks that lead a journalist to meet an alien who will be interviewed by this and bring out very deep issues where it holds that all beings in the universe live in a permanent battle and search survival. There are other books also that they are gestating. “Literary Coaching” I’m preparing a book, alongside lectures writing and publishing those authors will be giving it.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
In my experience, and I have walked by many publishers and bookstores in the world, according to the statements of other authors, I consider Amazon one of the most important in the distribution, promotion and sales of books platforms. And I’ve heard that people have a respect for that brand because it meets, it is effective and responsible for the products offered. It also has many possibilities for both junior and senior authors. Traditional publishers, with some exceptions, generate disadvantages of many types or appropriating royalties from sales because devalue the work of the authors. Many Authors Publishers suffer abuses and the courts of the world are full of claims against publishers. Also the possibility of translating books into other languages is important to expand the work of an author, and that can be done through Babelcube.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
It is important to note that one thing is the process of writing and another of promotion, distribution and sales. They are two different paths. We must therefore experience all the possibilities and go see what it is the best for everyone. Patience and perseverance are forces that will open doors to the world of readers. It is important to be genuine, not imitate, and not copy formulas from other authors, although we are always influenced. Therefore, everything we write is valuable because there will always be an audience for each written to occur in the world. Sell much has to do with many factors, and not always good literature sells more books. Triumphalist not, nor give up; because there will be many factors that determine the path of an author.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
I have said many things during this time that I write. And one of them is to never stop writing. But if the question is one tip is to keep perseverance, I do not falter in my purpose and even with mistakes and failures or deviations in the way of writing, always go ahead. That was said by my English teacher, Ana Peltz, who told me to 18 years in high school. Always resurfaced in my mind his words.
What are you reading now?
Now I’m reading several books “The essence of Zen,” a book of Zen masters, I’m reading Shakespeare poetry teacher, and some Finns authors on education.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Just keep writing, keep publishing and broaden the spectrum of lectures, recitals, workshops and continue to seek new paths in the world of creativity, with new people that adds up to projects, translation, teaching and learning.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I have read many books, from classics to modern. You may choose several, but the most important was “Metamorphosis” Kafka, because a book that expresses human unhappiness is, it is a book of ontological teaching, improvement, and human behavior. Oddly or fiction fantasy genre has a second frame behind a hidden message.
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Beautiful words. Thanks.