Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m a wife to an Amazing man and my childhood sweetheart! Together, we raise two beautiful children (1 girl and 1 boy). In addition to experiencing this wonderful life together, we partner as The Ministry and The Music. I am an independent ordained minister and my husband is a professional gospel hip hop rap artist. When we are not serving in our community or ministering via word or music, our family enjoys cooking “Master-chef” quality meals, vegging out on popcorn and netflix movies, or traveling the world. Jesus, Coffee, and Prayer is my debut devotional.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Jesus, Coffee, and Prayer is the name of my debut devotional book and it was inspired by many things. One inspiration comes from my love of Jesus Christ. He is my source and my strength- without him, i am nothing. My second inspiration was my son and all the newest that comes with a baby. I’m also inspired to help my readers gain back their peace and joy through gratitude.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Great question! If writing on my notepad from my cell phone at 3 and 4 in the morning, while nursing my son is considered unusual, then yes…count me in! The truth is, when writing my devotional, I truly had to have an attitude of gratitude simply to take in any opportunity to write. As a wife and mother of 2 (specifically a newborn while finalizing my book), I truly had to create space to glean on the Lords word and produce a devotional worthy of publication.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
There are quite a few authors that have influenced my authorship. The most relevant author would be Joel Osteen- Think better, Live better has a similar feel to Jesus, Coffee, and Prayer. They both include a journal entry available to help readers tangibly achieve their goals in Jesus Christ. In Jesus, Coffee, and Prayer (Attitude of Gratitude series), I encourage readers to write down what that are grateful for specifically, who, and how they are going to show that Gratitude in a real way. This process allows readers to gain real traction in their journey to peace and joy through gratitude.
What are you working on now?
I’m currently working on a sequel to Jesus, Coffee, and Prayer. This devotional is still apart of the Attitude of Gratitude series and is entitled “Everybody wants a piece of mommy.” This book is designed to edify and encourage an attitude of gratitude for all my hardworking, multiple hat wearing mommies when their time, effort, energy, and money is spent. In addition to working on the sequel devotional, I am currently on a Carolina book tour.
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What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
My books, blog, book tour and other ministry speaking engagements can be viewed on my website-
Books can be purchased via paperback or ebook
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Just Do It! Don’t put off tomorrow what you can do today! It took me year and half to produce a book that the Lord placed on my heart almost 20 years ago. Learn from me, do what you love now. Little by little is still progress.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
The Best advise by far was from my mother! She always told me to Trust in the Lord. Everyday is not easy, but with God on my side, I know that I will not only survive but thrive through any situation. I want to encourage you too. Trust in the Lord!
What are you reading now?
The Bible…specifically the Old Testament. I’m gleaning from the book of Isaiah.
On a side note, before I begin my day, Its important for me to put on the full armor of the Lord. When i create space to study and meditate on the word of God, I become fully equipped to handle my day.
I’m not perfect and fall short daily, but with God on my side, I press towards the mark.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Loaded question! The Lord is truly in the blessing business! Outside of promoting my current book and working on the sequel; I am set for a book tour starting in my home city- Charlotte, NC in April.
Visit www. for details
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
First and foremost, I would bring my bible. This is a daily must for me- not for religion but relationship with my Lord and Savior- Jesus Christ.
Secondly, I would bring Dr. Cindy Trimm’s “Command your morning.” This book was powerful and spoke Godly affirmations over my life!
Lastly, I would bring Jesus, Coffee, and Prayer. While stranded on an island, i would need all the positive affirmations I could receive. I’d also want to maintain an attitude of gratitude. It is essential to living a life of peace and joy…even on a stranded island! Lol
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