About MOON BASE DELTA: The Complete Trilogy
When a high-energy solar storm causes a cascade of destruction to the vast satellite constellations that orbit Earth, the ever-increasing debris cloud makes travel back to the home planet impossible.
For the thousands of colonists now stranded on the Lunar colonies and beyond, all caught in the grinding gears of this unfolding catastrophe, only one brutal choice remains — survive or die.
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Author Bio:
Gerald M. Kilby grew up on a diet of Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clark, and Frank Herbert, which developed into a taste for Iain M. Banks and everything ever written by Neal Stephenson. Understandable then, that he should choose science fiction as his weapon of choice when entering the fray of storytelling.
CHAIN REACTION is his first novel and is very much in the old-school techno-thriller style while his latest book series, MOON BASE DELTA, COLONY MARS and THE BELT, are all best sellers, topping Amazon charts for Hard Science Fiction and Space Exploration.
He lives in the city of Dublin, Ireland, in the same neighborhood as Bram Stoker and can be sometimes seen tapping away on a laptop in the local cafe with his dog Loki.