About MUSCLE BUILDING FOR MEN AFTER 40: A Life Changing Strength Training Guide for the Best Body in Your 40s and Beyond (Weight Loss & Muscle Gain Book 1) by Vinh Nguyen
Are you in your 40s, feeling like your body and health are declining at a rapid rate?
Do you want to “feel young” and “look ripped” (again) with more muscle, strength, and energy?
Do you want a simple muscle building and strength training guide that guarantees results?
Then look no further!
After years of research and application, I discovered a muscle growth formula and fitness techniques that the supplement industry had tried to keep hidden from the general public to maximize profits. As a result, I was able to bulk up from 120 lbs to 150 lbs in three months. I have also been maintaining my six-pack for years into my 40s.
This is a tried-and-true system for regular people like you and me. It will build your muscle faster, improve your endurance, and give you the best body you deserve. It works like magic even if you are naturally skinny or chubby, even if you have tried everything and failed.
With this book, you will discover:
10 ways in which your male body changes after 40 and how you can work this knowledge to your advantage
10 tips to gain the muscles you want in no time
7 reasons why muscle can improve your life quality and make you feel your best
How to gain muscle while losing fat
What to eat to bulk up or tone down, including recommendations on supplements and meals
8 tips for choosing a muscle building workout plan to suit your needs
20 easy strength training exercises
8 powerful weight training sets
6 secrets to maintaining your muscle mass forever
“BUY NOW” to find out the natural performance and physique you never knew you had!
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Author Bio:
Vinh Nguyen is a best-selling author. But he prefers to see himself as the “happiest author on earth.” His life goal is to help you learn to be happy — one life skill at a time, one book at a time, and maybe with the help of a cup of strong coffee or two.
Vinh was born and bred in Vietnam and lives (happily ever after) in New Zealand.