Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m an old country girl from the Deep South who was raised in a US Military family which resulted in a lot of road trips and air travel. Seeing the country through the passenger window meant taking in things I never would’ve seen had I been born and raised in one region of the country. It was a gypsy life of sorts – one that fed into my imagination and provided the perfect opportunity to study people from many backgrounds. I always knew I wanted to write and my early gypsy life gave me plenty of fodder to nosh on through the years.
As of today, I have two books published. A short paranormal romance titled, Ziggy Returns: A Short Tale and the first book in a psychological thriller trilogy; Rough Hewn: People of Kilmservy Village. The second book in the trilogy is with the editor/publisher right now while the third is nearing completion.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Rough Hewn: People of Kilmservy Village. It’s the first book in a psychological thriller trilogy.
My moment of inspiration happened while visiting family in in another state. I was sitting alone in my travel trailer when I decided to start writing this story which had taken up residence in my head for quite some time. It was the summer of 2012 following the spring my niece lost her battle with cancer. I felt as though she was sitting there with me while I crafted the story. It flowed so easily that I finished the first draft of the second book in the trilogy in less than three weeks.
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I don’t know if they’re unusual habits, but I keep a box of Hot & Spicy Cheez-Its, a can of cashews and a small jar of peanut butter with a spoon on my desk. I also listen to James Galway & The Chieftains, The Corrs, Alan Stivell, Sally Fletcher, Paul Baker and Tchaicovsky CDs while the television plays in the other room. Finally, before I can sit down to write, I have to make a spot on my desk for my large Norwegian Forest cat, Zsa Zsa, or she’ll push things onto the floor until she creates a space to stretch out. That about sums up what happens at my desk before I can write.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
There are many more but these are the first that came to mind.
Harper Lee and Margaret Mitchell were two of the first authors my mother pointed out to me. She would say that I could become a writer just like them, if I wanted to do so. I love their work because it is layered in such a way that the reader is entertained even though there is much deeper meaning within their stories.
Dean Koontz because he is true to himself and the craft of writing.
John Grisham because he kept pressing forward even after rejection.
What are you working on now?
The third book in the Rough Hewn Trilogy, an inspirational mystery/romance, another psychological thriller, a paranormal, a western, a mystery and I have a children’s book in the works.
Once the third book in the Rough Hewn Trilogy is published, the inspirational mystery/romance will be next out since it is the one I was writing when the characters in Rough Hewn came calling and insisted I write their story.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Promotion is such a huge job. It takes connections and cooperation between several parties if one is to make the smallest of dents with the sea of books out there today. I have learned a lot from my publisher, Kim Mutch Emerson [Master Koda Select Publishing]. One of the greatest bits of wisdom she imparts to her authors is that we are none an island unto ourselves. We need each other to succeed. It is her way of being in the world, not simply words she spouts to stroke the egos of those around her. Working as a team to get the word out not only about my books but also those of other authors by sharing on social media, blog tours, in my local library, schools and other institutions has worked wonders in bringing in sales. Also, websites such as this one,, help to get the word out to people we may not otherwise reach.
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Though it’s been said before, it’s as true now as it ever was – read. A lot. Read in the genre you wish to write and read outside of that genre. Additionally, don’t give up. Few people are successful their first time out in any field. So, keep writing and learning about the craft of writing. If writing truly is your passion, don’t quit when the road gets rocky.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Not exactly writing related but I believe both transfer to any area of our lives.
If you want a thing done right, do it yourself. At least it’ll be done to your idea of ‘rightness’.
And, something my mother said often, “can’t never could”.
What are you reading now?
I am reading Portrait Of A Killer by Patricia Cornwell for the second time.
What’s next for you as a writer?
My hope is to become more prolific in my writing, publish more often and finally get a good handle on the marketing aspect of the business.
What is your favorite book of all time?
The Bible.
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Nadia Kilrick Website
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Great advice! Thank you for sharing. You have such a crystal-clear writing style Nadia and a natural flow. I love your stories!!
Thank you Brenda.
I love that you love the stories! ๐