The Party at the End of the Rainbow is a creative nonfiction memoir that reads like a novel.
Released from jail and the asylum in 1970, Ron turns eighteen and gets his draft card, but he can never betray his convictions or cut his hair and join the straight society. From Rock Concert to gritty city streets, Ron hits the road and finds wild love and wilder sex, along with betrayal. Ron and his wild, tree hugging band of saboteur friends fight back against the Establishment from the first Earth Day school walkout until he joins the White Panthers, whose motto is, “Dope, Rock ‘n’ Roll And Fucking in the Streets!” This memoir is a sequel to CHICAGO RAGE, the first in a series that includes HOME AT THE EDGE, PARTY AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW, and coming soon, TEENAGE RUNAWAY, and he is working on more to follow.
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